Help Net Security
Looking back at malware in 2009
2009 was the year in which nobody that uses the Internet could afford not to educate him/herself about the dangers that lurk in the inbox, in Google’s search results, on …
Rogue software details: TheDefend
TheDefend is a rogue security application. In order to remove it, find out what files and registry entries to look for below. Known system changes: Files …
2010 cyberthreat forecast: Attack vectors
2009 was dominated by sophisticated malicious programs with rootkit functionality, Conficker, web attacks and botnets, SMS fraud and attacks on social networks. With the start …
New books: Windows 7, Programming #F
With Windows 7: The Definitive Guide you will learn how to squeeze every bit of power out of Windows 7 to take full advantage of its features and programs. You will learn how …
Week in review: Migrating to Windows 7, VoIP vulnerability trends and online safety guide
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, interviews and articles: Serious SQL flaw could have compromised millions of users The …
Twitter compromised, DNS hijacking to blame
A couple of hours ago, Twitter web site appeared to be defaced by someone called “Iranian Cyber Army”. The situation was fixed and as it turned out, hack was a …
Advanced cloud security tools
Sun Microsystems unveiled open source cloud security capabilities and announced support for the latest security guidance from the Cloud Security Alliance. The open source …
New book: “The Executive MBA in Information Security”
Supplying a complete overview of the concepts executives need to know, The Executive MBA in Information Security provides the tools needed to ensure your organization has an …
Wireshark 1.2.5 fixes security vulnerabilities
Wireshark is a popular network protocol analyzer. It is used for troubleshooting, analysis, development, and education. Wireshark 1.2.5 fixes the following vulnerabilities: …
VoIP vulnerability trends
McAfee Labs released a very interesting white paper about VoIP vulnerability trends and targets, and about protocol- and application-level attacks. They first observed an …
Secure cloud computing adoption guidance
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) issued the second version of its “Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing” whitepaper which outlines key issues …
Rogue software details: VaccineSystem
VaccineSystem is a rogue security application. In order to remove it, find out what files and registry entries to look for below. Known system changes: Files …