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Photos: RSA Conference 2010 Expo, part 2

Here’s a glance at the RSA Conference 2009 expo floor. The featured companies are: McAfee, NetOptics, EMC, Symantec and Qualys.

Millions lost due to illegal interception of cell phone calls

A survey released today by the Ponemon Institute on behalf of Cellcrypt, reveals that large and medium businesses are putting themselves at risk as a result of cell phone …

Wireless IDS for merchants and healthcare

Cybera announced SECURE|WAVE, its wireless intrusion detection service that identifies threats and vulnerabilities by analyzing wireless network traffic, and is designed for …

Introduction to Altor’s virtual firewall

Altor Networks has just been announced as the winner of RSA’s Innovation Sandbox “Most Innovative Company at RSA Conference 2010” contest. Listen to the …

6 in 10 malicious URLs bypass AV scanners and URL filtering

M86 Security released a new report revealing its Security Labs research results based on the primary attack vectors on the Web and how the common approaches used to fend off …

Video: Innovation Sandbox at the RSA Conference 2010

Take a peek at the atmosphere at the Innovation Sandbox, a half-day event during which you could witness interactive white boarding sessions, ask the experts and whisper …

Photos: RSA Conference 2010 Expo, part 1

Here’s a glance at the RSA Conference 2010 expo floor. The featured companies are: Qualys, VeriSign, Black Box, HP and the NSA.

Secure corporate desktop on USB stick

Check Point announced Check Point Abra, a solution which turns any PC into a fully secure corporate desktop. The Abra stick provides users access to company emails, files and …

Manage your physical and virtual machines

Shavlik announced the beta release of, a cloud-based IT management service that helps businesses manage their physical and virtual machines from any location, …

38% of IT managers ignore Web 2.0 risks

FaceTime’s fifth annual survey showed social media and Web 2.0 applications have been adopted by 99% of end users to support business processes, even though 38% of IT …

Can Aurora attacks be prevented?

A lot has been written already about the “Aurora” attacks on major US companies. Speculation about and investigations into the origin of the attack and the code …

Photos: Innovation Sandbox at RSA Conference 2010

The Innovation Sandbox showcases innovation as a core driver in the research and development of new information security products and services. This year’s winner is …

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