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Information protection priorities and recommendations

SMBs are now making protecting their information their highest IT priority, as opposed to 15 months ago when a high percentage had failed to enact even the most basic …

New cloud-based security service

WatchGuard launched a cloud-based, web security service – Reputation Enabled Defense. Coupled with WatchGuard XTM or XCS security appliances, this service gives …

IEEE 802.3ba standard released

IEEE announced the ratification of IEEE 802.3ba 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet, a new standard governing 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Ethernet operations. An amendment to the IEEE 802.3 …

Telecommunications Denial of Service attacks

The FBI released a warning to consumers concerning a new scheme using telecommunications Denial of Service (TDoS) attacks. The FBI determined fraudsters compromised victim …

The truth about social media identity theft

The use of social media can increase consumer vulnerability to identity theft because of the amount and type of personal information people share on these networks. However, …

6 cloud security tips

Although there is a growing awareness of the many benefits of cloud computing – including on-demand provisioning that enables businesses to increase efficiency and …

Hybrid SaaS email security from Trend Micro

Trend Micro announced the latest version of InterScan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance (IMSVA), newly built as a hybrid SaaS email security solution that integrates …

New Qualys Patch Report aligns IT security with operations

Qualys announced Patch Report, a new feature in QualysGuard Vulnerability Management to help customers quickly identify and implement patches to eliminate vulnerabilities in …

iPhone Password Breaker updated with iOS4 Software support

ElcomSoft updated their iPhone Password Breaker with iOS4 Software support. Apple has changed the algorithm protecting encrypted backups for its iOS devices, making the backup …

How hackers target teens

Imperva’s ADC has uncovered a new scheme targeting teens. How does it work? Hackers used a phishing attack to get credentials of the Habbo hotel social network, a social …

Monitor Mac OS X services on your iPhone or iPad

With Server Admin Remote IT administrators can monitor the alive status of Mac OS X Tiger, Leopard and Snow Leopard Server services, start/stop services and observe the …

Week in review: Social engineering, Facebook clickjacking and a new issue of (IN)SECURE Magazine

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Automated social engineering PoC successful on Facebook and IRC In order to reach a …

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Cybersecurity news