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Technical support – they’re not always the good guys

Recently, we’ve noticed that the rogue AVs being spread are all equipped with an “Online Support” button. See the top right corner: Pressing Support takes …

Black Hat USA 2010 presents over 30 new vulnerabilities

Black Hat USA 2010, taking place later this month in Las Vegas, will spotlight new vulnerabilities, tools, programs and big names, including a Cyber War discussion by General …

Phone-based authentication for IBM Tivoli Access Manager

PhoneFactor has added support for IBM Tivoli Access Manager to its suite of authentication solutions and can now seamlessly enable phone-based two-factor authentication to …

Web safety score checklist

Are you sure your most sensitive financial and personal information is safe when you’re banking or shopping online? The Web Safety Score checklist by SafeCentral helps …

Critical infrastructure security booming in the EU

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan finds that market growth is fueled by government funds and private investments. EU security regulation compliance requirements and the …

Cloud-based security through Amazon Web Services

Sourcefire is delivering cloud-based Intrusion Prevention services, based on its open source Snort technology. Snort and Sourcefire Vulnerability Research Team (VRT) rules are …

ElcomSoft breaks passwords faster with NVIDIA Fermi based accelerators

ElcomSoft announced the support of NVIDIA Fermi chips for accelerating password recovery even further. By using NVIDIA’s newest high-end video accelerators for its …

Privacy breach detection package for healthcare providers

FairWarning released the HITECH Privacy Essentials, a bundled package for privacy breach detection designed for rapid deployment and compliance among healthcare providers. …

12 months in prison for hacking

A former senior database administrator for GEXA Energy in Houston was sentenced to 12 months in prison for hacking into his former employer’s computer network. Steven …

41% of IT pros admit to snooping on confidential information

The results of a Cyber-Ark global survey show that 35 percent of respondents believe their company’s highly-sensitive information has been handed over to competitors. …

Tax credits filing deadline phishing attacks

July 31st is the deadline to file a tax credits renewal with HMRC or pay the second instalment of income tax. The danger now, says Trusteer, is that tax credit filers will …

Ad-Aware releases Total Security

Released today, Ad-Aware Total Security is an all-in-one security solution that includes a firewall, anti-phishing, identity theft protection, anti-spam, parental control, …

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Cybersecurity news