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Week in review: Kaspersky hacked, Facebook privacy breach and the rise of Java exploits

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, interviews, articles and reviews: Facebook apps send user information to ad agencies Various …

RSYaba: Modular brute force attacker

RSYaba allows you to run brute force attacks against various services in a similar way to Hydra and Medusa. The tool is written in Ruby so modifying the scripts is a lot …

Five tips for safe computer use

Panda Security released a list of the top five tips that computer users should follow to ensure a safe and secure online experience. With the exponential growth of social …

Open source cloud alternative

Open source cloud computing platform OpenStack announced the “Austin” code release of Compute and Object Storage. Since the project’s inception three months …

Adobe patches InDesign

An important library-loading vulnerability has been identified in Adobe InDesign CS5 7.0.2 and earlier, InDesign Server CS5 7.0.2 and earlier, and InCopy CS5 7.0.2 and …

Integrating Hydra with Nessus

The video below shows you how to integrate custom username and password dictionaries with Hydra to your Nessus scans.

Apple updates Java for Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6

The latest Java updates from Apple deliver improved reliability, security, and compatibility. Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 8 supersedes all previous updates of Java for Mac …

FBI warns businesses about corporate account take overs

The FBI has issued a fraud advisory to warn businesses about the various bank fraud scams currently employed. Created by financial institutions, industry trade associations, …

IBM improves cloud security

IBM unveiled a new security initiative focused on making cloud computing safer. IBM aims to help both users and providers of cloud computing more easily navigate security …

Global e-crime gang transitions to crimeware

The world’s most prolific phishing gang has completed a transition from using conventional phishing to massively propagating stealthy password-stealing crimeware that …

IEEE 802.16m approved as IMT-Advanced technology

The WiMAX Forum today recognizes the decision within the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) approving the “WirelessMAN-Advanced” technology of IEEE …

Metasploit Framework 3.5.0 comes with over 600 exploits

The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration …

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