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New PCI standards completed, tokenization still in question

The PCI Security Standards Council released version 2.0 of the PCI DSS and PA-DSS, designed to provide greater clarity and flexibility to facilitate improved understanding of …

One-time picture passcodes strengthen logins

Confident ImageShield is a cloud-based, multifactor authentication service that creates one-time passcodes by prompting users to correctly identify pictures from a dynamic …

RSA Conference 2011 Innovation Sandbox call for entries

RSA Conference announced that its annual Innovation Sandbox program has opened a call for submissions for the “Most Innovative Company at RSA Conference 2011. Kicking …

25% of all targeted attacks hit the retail sector

Analysis reveals that targeted attacks have increased significantly since they were first discovered five years ago from one to two attacks per week in 2005 to 77 attacks per …

Americans feel safer on a computer than a mobile device

Americans feel their home computers are protected from malware and attackers but that confidence does not translate to their mobile devices with 87 percent of people surveyed …

Firefox 3.6.12 fixes critical security issue

Mozilla released Firefox 3.6.11 that fixes a critical security issue. Heap buffer overflow mixing document.write and DOM insertion Morten Kråkvik of Telenor SOC reported …

Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.3 released

Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.3 features a new security safeguard against malicious websites, as well as improvements to the user experience, in both the Free and Pro Editions. The …

Hardware encrypted RAID tower

Ciphertex Data Security introduced the CX-RANGER/E, a portable encrypted RAID system with AES 256-bit hardware-based encryption and up to 5 Terabytes of storage capacity. It …

Increase in Halloween malware attacks

There’s an increase in the number of Trojans circulating in the pre-Halloween period this year, according to GFI Software. Eight of the top 10 threat detections …

Automated data protection for private clouds

EMC announced their new Data Protection Advisor management software that automatically monitors, analyzes, provides alerts and reports on all aspects of the protection status …

Cybercriminals aggressively recruiting money mules

Money mules have been aggressively recruited this year to help cyber criminals launder money, according to Fortinet. A recent example of this is the worldwide prosecutions of …

Boonana Trojan for Mac OS X spreads via social media

SecureMac has discovered a new Trojan horse in the wild that affects Mac OS X, including Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6). The Trojan horse, Trojan.osx.boonana.a, is spreading through …

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