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Spyware compromises 150,000+ Symbian devices

A new variant of spyware “Spy.Felxispy” on Symbian devices causing privacy leakage has recently been captured by the National Computer Virus Emergency Response …

41% of organizations not aware of security risks

41 percent of organizations are not well aware of or protected against IT security risks, according to McAfee. Another 40 percent are not completely confident they can …

BIND Denial of Service vulnerability

A vulnerability has been reported in BIND, which can be exploited by malicious people to cause a Denial of Service, according to Secunia. When an authoritative server …

A single click can open door to cybercrime

Blue Coat Systems unveiled their 2011 security report that examines Web behavior and the malware to which users are most frequently exposed. The report analyzes Web requests …

Social networks: An information security game changer

The Internet has revolutionized business and significantly cut costs in nearly every sector. An in-person bank transaction that costs the enterprise US $15 is only pennies …

Entrust credentialing services smartcards earn Microsoft certification

Entrust credentialing services and related smartcard technology have earned full Microsoft certification for demonstrating hardware compatibility with the company’s line …

Windows 7 SP1 released

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is now available to everyone for download and rolling out via Windows Update. For Windows 7, SP1 will help keep PCs well supported by delivering …

Antivirus engine ClamAV 0.97 released

ClamAV is an open source (GPL) antivirus engine designed for detecting Trojans, viruses, malware and other malicious threats. It provides a high performance mutli-threaded …

Scan-on-demand virus detector for industrial computers

Hagiwara Sys-Com announced the Vaccine USB, a portable virus detection tool for Windows OS-based industrial systems. In the past, industrial systems were built for specific …

Encrypt computer data with a physical key

LucidPort Technology introduced the CipherGuard Computer Encryption System. The CipherGuard secures the private data on a computer with a physical key. The CipherGuard creates …

Free iPhone and iPad risk management app

Citicus MoCA is a new, free risk management application for the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. It provides a simple way for decision-makers to identify the business impact of …

New type of financial malware hijacks online banking sessions

A new type of financial malware has the ability to hijack customers’ online banking sessions in real time using their session ID tokens. OddJob, which is the name …

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