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Mail-borne polymorphic malware soars
Approximately 72% of all email-borne malware in September could be characterized as aggressive strains of generic polymorphic malware, says Symantec in its September 2011 …
First enterprise mobile DLP solution
Zenprise announced its Mobile Enterprise Security Framework including the mobile DLP solution for managing and securing the growing number of personally owned devices entering …
Amazon introduces Silk, a cloud-accelerated web browser
Amazon Silk introduces a “split browser” architecture that accelerates the power of the mobile device hardware by using the computing speed and power of the Amazon …
RSA Conference Europe full keynote line-up
RSA Conference announced its complete line-up of keynote speakers for the 12th annual RSA Conference Europe, taking place from 11th-13th October 2011 in London. The Conference …
WAN and network optimization API for iOS
Circadence announced an application programming interface (API) enabling WAN optimization for Apple iOS applications. The API installs into Apple mobile applications or apps …
Kingston introduces new ultra-secure USB flash drive
Kingston Digital announced the DataTraveler 6000 (DT6000) USB Flash drive, which protects sensitive data with FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Validation and 100-percent encryption. For …
Payment card security compliance remains problematic
Too many businesses are struggling to comply with payment card security standards, putting consumers’ confidential information at risk. According to the Verizon Payment …
Towards secure tokenization algorithms and architectures
Tokenization – the use of surrogate values for sensitive data – is all the rage. Although it is often sold as an alternative to encryption, it is at the core a …
Microsoft takes down Kelihos botnet
After having disrupted the operation of the Waledac and Rustock botnets, Microsoft has set its sights on a smaller one that is thought to be an attempt to rebuild the Waledac …
Advanced persistent threats, cloud security and mobile security to dominate RSA Conference Europe 2011
This is an interview with Linda Lynch, RSA Conference Europe Manager and Herbert “Hugh” Thompson, Ph.D, Chief Security Strategist, People Security and RSA …
10 actions to reduce IT infrastructure and operations costs
As many IT organizations are under intense pressure to continue to implement cost-cutting initiatives, Gartner has identified 10 actions that can reduce IT infrastructure and …
Multi-year study of real-world software security initiatives
The third major release of the “Building Security In Maturity Model” (BSIMM) study continues to add real-world data defining benchmarks for successfully developing …
Featured news
Don't miss
- Microsoft fixes two actively exploited zero-days (CVE-2025-21418, CVE-2025-21391)
- 8Base ransomware group leaders arrested, leak site seized
- Apple fixes zero-day flaw exploited in “extremely sophisticated” attack (CVE-2025-24200)
- Arvest Bank CISO on building a strong cybersecurity culture in banking
- Review: Inside Cyber Warfare, 3rd Edition