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Uncovering the most pressing cybersecurity concerns for SMBs

In this Help Net Security video interview, James Edgar, CISO at Fleetcor, discusses what consequences SMBs are most concerned about when it comes to cyberattacks, what …

Moving target defense must keep cyber attackers guessing

A cybersecurity technique that shuffles network addresses like a blackjack dealer shuffles playing cards could effectively befuddle hackers gambling for control of a military …

identity theft
Don’t be fooled by a pretty icon, malicious apps hide in plain sight

Apps, whether for communication, productivity or gaming, are one of the biggest threats to mobile security, according to McAfee. The end of 2022 saw the release of some …

Cyber resilience in focus: EU act to set strict standards

With the EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), the industry is dealing with one of the strictest regulatory requirements. Manufacturers, importers and even distributors of products …

Developers can make a great extension of your security team

Developers care about the quality and security of their code, and when empowered to help, developers make great security advocates who can help harden your supply chain …

Burp Suite extensions
5 open source Burp Suite penetration testing extensions you should check out

When it comes to assessing the security of computer systems, penetration testing tools are critical for identifying vulnerabilities that attackers may exploit. Among these …

application security testing
A modern-day look at AppSec testing tools

In this Help Net Security video, Frank Catucci, CTO, and Dan Murphy, Distinguished Architect at Invicti Security, break down the different types of application security …

Covert cyberattacks on the rise as attackers shift tactics for maximum impact

2022 was the second-highest year on record for global ransomware attempts, as well as an 87% increase in IoT malware and a record number of cryptojacking attacks (139.3 …

Dormant accounts are a low-hanging fruit for attackers

Successful attacks on systems no longer require zero-day exploits, as attackers now focus on compromising identities through methods such as bypassing MFA, hijacking sessions, …

Infosec products of the month, February 2023
Infosec products of the month: February 2023

Here’s a look at the most interesting products from the past month, featuring releases from: Arkose Labs, Cequence Security, CyberGRX, CyberSaint, Deepwatch, DigiCert, Finite …

CIS Hardened Images
Visualize change with an out-of-the-box configuration report

Your technology is always changing, and you often end up playing catchup to secure it. This is difficult in the cloud when you share security responsibility with the cloud …

Cybellum podcast
The power of community participation with Faye Francy, Executive Director, Auto-ISAC

The old phrase “sharing is caring” is something that Faye Francy has seen revolutionize entire industries. From her years as a Boeing Commercial Airplanes Cybersecurity ONE …

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Cybersecurity news