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DDoS attacks protection advice from the EFF

Denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are increasingly common phenomena, used by a variety of actors—from activists to governments—to …

IDC finds increased adoption of storage efficiency technologies

The rapid increase in the amount of digital data that needs to be stored is pressuring organizations to increase capital expenditures associated with the acquisition of …

McAfee Mobile Security gets additional privacy features

McAfee announced enhancements to its McAfee Mobile Security software, providing Android smartphone and tablet owners with additional privacy features that help them ensure …

Blackberry ID malware campaign

Websense ThreatSeeker Network intercepted a malware campaign targeting Blackberry customers. These fake emails state that the recipient has successfully created a Blackberry …

USB wireless access point from Sophos secures remote offices

Sophos announced the availability of the Sophos AP 5, its newest wireless access point which acts as an accessory to the Sophos Remote Ethernet Device (RED), creating a …

Changing risk assessment practices

Avoiding the use of software as a service (SaaS) for critical or sensitive data remains a significant form of risk control for many organizations, according to Gartner. But …

A true private cloud from CloudFounders

CloudFounders released CloudFrames, a software platform that converts commodity x86 hardware into a multi-function, ultra-reliable and high performance private cloud. …

BYOD 2.0 and spotting the next big trend

In the 1960s and 70s the IT department was seen as a secret place ruled by powerful niche experts. They had total control of the department and who could access systems. The …

Cloud, mobility and open source drive application development

The worldwide application development (AD) software market is expected to reach more than $9 billion in 2012, an increase of 1.8 percent over 2011, according to Gartner. In …

Apache HTTP Server 2.4.3 fixes security issues

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project released version 2.4.3 of the Apache HTTP Server. This version of Apache is the 3rd GA release of the new …

65% of companies expose personally identifiable information

More than 65 percent of businesses don’t protect their customers’ private data from unauthorized employees and consultants, according to a survey of hundreds of IT …

Visa to launch encryption service

Visa announced a new service, Visa Merchant Data Secure with Point-to-Point Encryption, to help acquirers and their merchants protect payment card data. Visa will make the …

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