Help Net Security
Rogue employees, malware exploits and unauthorized software
While IT security professionals recognize the threat posed by unwitting employees, many still admit to allowing administrative privileges to go unmanaged, making organizations …
Tripwire includes web application scanning with IP360
Tripwire announced that dynamic web application scanning is now included in IP360. This critical functionality enables customers to detect and prioritize web application …
Microsoft and FBI disrupt global cybercrime ring
Microsoft, the FBI, Agari, financial services industry leaders FS-ISAC, NACHA, and other industry partners, managed to break up a massive cybercrime ring which was stealing …
Most small businesses can’t restore all data after a cyber attack
Almost one-third of U.S. small businesses surveyed by the Ponemon Institute had a cyber attack in the previous year, and nearly three-quarters of those businesses were not …
Is data fragmentation putting businesses at risk?
IT managers believe that fragmentation of corporate data across their IT infrastructure and an emerging “Shadow IT’ network of user devices or consumer cloud …
Cloud security for Windows, Android and iOS
Boxcryptor, the cloud-optimized encryption software, has been updated to version 2.0. The new version includes increased usability as well as features for secure …
The need for a collaborative effort against cybercrime
It has been revealed that NATO experienced 2,500 cyber attacks in 2012. Though an official stated that none of the attacks had successfully infiltrated NATO security, it has …
Most businesses experienced a mobile security incident
79% of businesses had a mobile security incident in the past year, in many cases incurring substantial costs, according to Check Point. The report found mobile security …
Cyberespionage campaign targeting government-affiliated organizations
Kaspersky Lab experts published a new research report about NetTraveler, which is a family of malicious programs used by APT actors to successfully compromise more than 350 …
Apple releases OS X 10.8.4
The OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.4 Update is recommended for all OS X Mountain Lion users and includes features and fixes that improve the stability, compatibility, and security of …
Damballa now detects malicious P2P communications
Damballa Failsafe can now discover malicious P2P communications. It uses behavioral detection techniques to identify malicious P2P communication attempts from malware trying …
Online password manager for business
Zoho launched Zoho Vault, the secure online password manager for teams and businesses. It establishes a central repository that offers unmatched security and complete data …