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30 Percent of transactions conducted from Tor are fraudulent

iovation announced that 30.2 percent of transactions conducted from Tor (the onion router) in August were fraudulent. This compared with an overall fraud rate of 1 percent for …

GFI LanGuard 2014 released

GFI Software released GFI LanGuard 2014. The newest version now features vulnerability assessment for mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones, running the mobile …

Travelers regularly connect to free, unsecure Wi-Fi networks

GFI Software announced the findings of an extensive independent research project looking at end user use of mobile devices at work and in their daily commute to and from the …

One in ten consumers lost money to online fraud

More than one in ten consumers globally have been victims of online fraud that cost them money, according to a recent F-Secure survey which fleshed out consumer concerns about …

Tips for educational organizations on how to defend against online threats

The kids are back to school and hopefully they’re heeding the right advice on how to stay safe in an educational environment, but students aren’t the only ones who …

Video: NSA hearing in the European Parliament

Embedded below is the full video of the NSA hearing in the Human Rights Committee (LIBE) in the European Parliament 5 September 2013, which runs at 03:25 hours. Courtesy of …

Zscaler cloud-based platform makes behavioral analysis mainstream

Zscaler announced Zscaler for APTs, a cloud-based security solution to address the entire advanced persistent threat (APT) and advanced targeted attack (ATA) defense …

Evaluate the skill level of Linux pros

TrueAbility launched AbilityScreen for Linux Professionals, a new way to evaluate the skill level of those who work within a Linux environment. Individuals now have a way to …

Proof-based system to secure the car

The digital systems in today’s connected car, including engine, infotainment and telematics systems, provide communications, numerous conveniences, information, safety, …

What CISOs must learn from Bitcoin and a research team at Georgia Tech

It has been an eventful time in the mobile world with two recent breaking stories revealing vulnerabilities in the security infrastructure for Android and iOS respectively. …

Free eBook: First Aid Kit for Sys Admins

Have you faced any of these situations: malware infection, cracked passwords, defaced website, compromised DNS, licensing violations, stolen hardware and other issues which …

Secure mobility assessment tool

Mobile Work Exchange, a public-private partnership focused on demonstrating the value of mobility and telework, launched the Secure Mobility Hot Zone, which includes a …

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