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Top 10 data disasters from 2013

Kroll Ontrack announced its 11th annual list of the top 10 data disasters from 2013. For the last 11 years, the company has annually been collecting and publishing a list of …

New threats subverting digital signature validation

McAfee Labs found new efforts to circumvent digital signature app validation on Android-based devices. The McAfee Labs team identified a new family of mobile malware that …

The risks of having a false sense of security

Organizations are overwhelmingly confident in their readiness to combat security threats, but may not be prepared for dangers linked to new technology models and increasingly …

NTRU public key crypto released to open source community

RSA and ECC are the two most common public-key crypto systems in use today. At the 2013 Black Hat conference, researchers declared that the math for cracking encryption …

Only half of healthcare IT pros use formal risk assessments

Tripwire and the Ponemon Institute evaluated the attitudes of 1,320 respondents from IT security, IT operations, IT risk management, business operations, compliance/internal …

Are tablets secure enough for business?

Amazon is launching its first enterprise-ready tablet. A smart move, as the much-loved mobile device can finally be integrated into business. However it does beg the question, …

What e-commerce companies think about DDoS protection

Prolexic announced the results of a survey of global e-commerce companies who were asked about DDoS protection and the effectiveness of different types of DDoS mitigation …

The enemy within

Recent high-profile cases in the press have called attention to the threat the trusted insider can pose to the security of an organization. A recent survey highlighted that …

Green light given to Galileo, the EU alternative to America’s GPS

Plans to start up the EU’s first global satellite navigation system (GNSS) built under civilian control, entirely independent of other navigation systems and yet …

A look at security effectiveness by industry

BitSight analyzed security ratings for over 70 Fortune 200 companies in four industries – energy, finance, retail and technology. The objective was to uncover …

Data sharing and interoperability are key for mitigating cyber attacks

The EU Agency ENISA launches its new report – Detect, SHARE, Protection on how to make data threat exchange easier and better between the “digital fire …

Secure Dropbox data using a hardware security token

Intrinsic-ID released Saturnus, an application that enables enterprises to protect digital assets stored and shared on Dropbox. With Saturnus, files are encrypted before they …

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