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Building an OATH-compliant authentication server for less than $100

Using a Raspberry Pi nanocomputer and the multiOTP open source library, André Liechti showcases how to how to create an OATH-compliant authentication server at PasswordsCon …

Gamers attacked 11.7 million times in 2013

Just days after the launch of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, Kaspersky Lab experts have discovered that PC gamers across Europe were hit by a massive number of attacks in …

Configuring for security in a world of 0-days

Last month, Microsoft published two separate notices of 0-day vulnerabilities that were being used in the wild to attack Microsoft products. The first flaw is in a code …

How competitive is your cybersecurity team?

SecureWorld Insight, a partnership with Ponemon Institute and SecureWorld Expo, identified compensation for eight categories of information security staff – from CISOs …

IT pros are playing cat and mouse with cybercriminals

IT professionals admit to feeling lost when it comes to trying to protect the company against cyber attacks and cybercriminals. This could be a big problem for all of us, as …

Online behaviors that increase the risk of identity theft

PrivacyGuard released the results of a survey aimed at observing and identifying a number of online behaviors that consumers willingly partake in that could put them at risk …

Week in review: Cryptolocker copycat, CyanogenMod’s built-in SMS encryption, NSA uses Google cookies to track suspects

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: The DDoS debate: Multi-layered versus single solution There is a DDoS debate in the …

DDoS attacks escalate, businesses still unprepared

Many businesses are failing to take adequate measures to protect themselves against the threat of a DDoS attack. A Corero Network Security survey of 100 companies revealed …

Secure remote access trends

HOB announced the results of a new survey which quantifies the trends and pain points CTO’s and CIO’s in the United States experience when utilizing remote access …

Top 100 Android apps hacked in 2013

One hundred percent of the Top 100 paid Android apps and 56 percent of the Top 100 paid Apple iOS apps have been hacked, according to Arxan. As the growth in mobile innovation …

Companies embrace the cloud and BYOD, can’t control them

Cloud applications and mobile devices are increasing security and compliance risk at many US and UK enterprises. Alarmingly, the SailPoint survey reveals that while global …

One in four UK consumers have had online accounts hacked

As user engagement with ecommerce sites and online services inevitably increases in the run up to Christmas, almost a quarter (24 per cent) of UK consumers have had their …

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