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Useful password hashing: How to waste computing cycles with style

Password-based authentication is widely used today, despite problems with security and usability. To control the negative effects of some of these problems, best practice …

CIOs must lead the move to transform government services

Faced with relentless pressure to reduce costs and improve the performance of government agencies, CIOs must choose between maintaining current operations or transforming …

What’s the greatest security risk?

While boardrooms across the U.S. report growing prioritization of endpoint security, risk continues to grow and evolve and IT departments are racing to keep up, according to a …

SolarWinds enhances security tools

SolarWinds announced enhancements to several of its security management solutions, including SolarWinds Log & Event Manager, SolarWinds Firewall Security Manager and …

Top 8 security insights for 2014

BeyondTrust’s Advanced Research labs has identified what they believe will be the top 8 pain points and “big deals” in security in 2014. Threat vectors: 2014 …

Authentication using visual codes: what can go wrong

Several password replacement schemes have been suggested that use a visual code to log in. However the visual code can often be relayed, which opens up a major vulnerability. …

Datacard Group to acquire Entrust

Datacard Group has entered into an agreement to acquire Entrust. The acquisition is expected to close on December 31, 2013, subject to regulatory approval and customary …

Convenience still overrides security for mobile shoppers

Despite a huge increase in shopping on mobile handsets, shoppers do not have security in place to protect the identity and credit card data stored on the devices, according to …

IBM prevents services from running compromised code

IBM inventors have patented a technique that can enable businesses to improve cloud security and support secure transactions by preventing mobile devices from accessing …

How human behavior affects malware and defense measures

Installing computer security software, updating applications regularly and making sure not to open emails from unknown senders are just a few examples of ways to reduce the …

The growing hacking threat to e-commerce websites, part 1

Recently, a friend of mine, owner of a small online web store, had his website compromised. He asked me lots of questions about why this had happen (he didn’t really …

CIOs will continue to focus on business intelligence and analytics

The CIO focus on business intelligence (BI) and analytics looks set to continue through 2017, according to Gartner. Gartner said that the benefits of fact-based …

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