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Data mining the future with security predictions

It has become somewhat of a tradition for information security vendors to pull out their crystal balls at the end of each year and do their best to predict interesting …

Many Android apps can track your location, access photos

An alarming proportion of Android applications can find and open private photographs on smartphones, track users’ locations, divulge e-mail addresses over the internet …

SpyEye creator pleads guilty

Aleksandr Andreevich Panin, a Russian national also known as “Gribodemon” and “Harderman,” has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire and bank …

Surge in mobile network infections affects millions of devices

Security threats to mobile devices continues its rapid rise, infecting at any time more than 11.6 million devices and putting their owners at increased risk for stolen …

Smartphone spying: How can users protect themselves?

Smartphone users need to realise that their mobile phone is less of a phone and more of a mobile computer, in which applications can collect data from other applications …

Consumers care more about business data collection than government surveillance

TRUSTe released its latest U.S. Consumer Confidence Index, which shows that a high proportion of U.S. adults aged 18 and older are worried about their privacy online, online …

IT underestimates cloud app usage by 90%

Cloud app adoption continues to spread across virtually every business function, from marketing to human resources. However, while enterprise app use continues to grow, …

Who should be responsible for protecting your online privacy?

Just in time for Data Privacy Day, Microsoft has released the results of a survey that shows the privacy attitudes of technology savvy individuals in the US and four European …

Blackholing effect reduces cyber attack risk to regulated data

FireHost announced trends for the attacks it blocked from its clients’ web applications in Q4 2013. Security experts have noted that the company’s most recent …

Empowering users to make informed decisions on the value of sensitive data

Awareness days are a great way to raise the profile of important issues that might otherwise go unnoticed and Data Privacy Day is no different. Held annually on January 28, …

DDoS attacks become smarter, faster and more severe

DDoS attacks will continue to be a serious issue in 2014 – as attackers become more agile and their tools become more sophisticated, according to Radware. Their report …

Improving trust in web services

The EU’s cyber security Agency, ENISA, is publishing a series of new studies about the current security practices of Trust Service Providers (TSPs) and recommendations …

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