Help Net Security
A closer look at Microsoft’s April Patch Tuesday
April’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday is on par with the prior releases this year. There are only four bulletins being released, two rated “Critical” and two rated …
Best practices for secure use of Windows XP
Microsoft’s support for Windows XP ended yesterday, April 8, 2014. However, Gartner estimates that one-third of enterprises currently have more than 10 percent of their …
56% of employees still receive no security awareness training
A new research survey by EMA takes you inside today’s organizations to reveal how employee decisions related to information security can significantly increase …
Attitudes about best practices for physical access control
An HID Global survey of 600 respondents revealed enterprise end users’ perceptions about change and the importance of industry best practices, and how well today’s …
Insight, innovation and inspiration at Infosecurity Europe 2014
The information security community is about to gather at Infosecurity Europe, taking place the 29th April – 01 May 2014 in London. Infosecurity Europe 2014 is paving the …
Microsoft releases final security updates for Windows XP
So this is it, the last hurrah for the once beloved XP, the last kick at the can for patching up the old boat. Sure, by today’s standards it’s a leaky, …
Cain & Abel
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft operating systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted …
Photos: Infosec World 2014
The Infosec World Conference and Expo is currently taking place in Orlando, Florida. Help Net Security is attending so here’s a few photos from the show.
Why ending user support for Microsoft XP is the right thing to do
Today is the day that Microsoft’s well-documented plans to end support for Windows XP comes into fruition, and with roughly 30 per cent of all desktop computers …
Businesses create IT security blind spots
New research shows that 54 percent of companies in the UK are using incorrect metrics when trying to determine their IT security status, providing a false picture of the …
One third of phishing attacks aimed at stealing money
According to data collected as part of Kaspersky Lab’s ‘Financial cyber threats in 2013′ study, cybercriminals are trying harder than ever to acquire …
Worldwide interactive cyberthreat map
Kaspersky Lab has launched an interactive cyberthreat map that visualizes cyber security incidents occurring worldwide in real time. The types of threats displayed include …