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CISOs anxious about possible data breaches, employees not so much

If you are a Chief Information Security Officer, chances are you may not be getting much sleep lately according to a recent survey of IT security executives at companies of …

Stanford professor scrutinizes India’s biometric identification program

The cutting edge of biometric identification — using fingerprints or eye scans to confirm a person’s identity — isn’t at the FBI or the Department of Homeland …

Sales drop as corporate data breaches rise

Consumers avoid doing business with a breached organization at an alarming rate, according to a new study commissioned by Identity Finder, the results of which were revealed …

ManageEngine fortifies enterprise security log analytics

ManageEngine announced the general availability of new features to its enterprise security log analytics portfolio. EventLog Analyzer, the security information and event …

IT sec pros surprisingly cavalier about mobile security best practices

A flash poll conducted at Infosecurity Europe 2014 by Centrify Corporation has found that 94 per cent of IT security professionals use third party applications on their mobile …

IoT security requirements will reshape enterprise IT security programs

The power of objects in the Internet of Things (IoT) to change the state of environments — in addition to generating information — will cause chief information security …

CSA releases Software Defined Perimeter 1.0

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) announced at Infosecurity Europe 2014 the release of two key documents related to the CSA’s Software Defined Perimeter (SDP), an …

Guide to the UK government cyber essentials scheme

The results of the latest cyber threat reports and surveys have denominated 2013 as the year of major breaches. The media naturally focuses on the big stories of massive data …

London warbiking reveals worrying state of Wi-Fi security

At Infosecurity Europe 2014, IT security company Sophos this week highlighted the worrying state of wireless security in the UK’s capital city, when it sent security …

Security analytics solution identifies attacks in historic data

Arbor Networks is showcasing at Infosecurity Europe 2014 its Pravail Security Analytics, whose unique looping capability can be used to identify and establish an attack …

The devastating effect of core systems downtime on business

A survey of 283 IT professionals and business end users found that nearly 90 percent of organizations unexpectedly lose access to critical systems, including mail servers, …

Sophos Cloud manages Windows, Mac and mobile devices

At Infosecurity Europe 2014, Sophos announced the latest version of Sophos Cloud, the company’s cloud-based solution for small- and mid-sized organisations seeking a …

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