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Light Patch Tuesday fixes six issues, two critical

Microsoft has released the patches and it is a relatively light month. Six issues in total, 2 Critical, 3 Important, 1 Moderate. OS administration teams will be busy, …

DPAPI vulnerability allows intruders to decrypt personal data

Passcape Software has discovered a DPAPI vulnerability that could potentially lead to unauthorized decryption of personal data and passwords of interactive domain users. The …

Risks of selling used smartphones

AVAST Software easily retrieved personal data from used smartphones sold online, despite consumers deleting their data. From the used devices, researchers was able to recover …

GFI MailEssentials gets new AV engine and anti-spam capabilities

GFI Software released GFI MailEssentials 2014 R2, adding major enhancements to the company’s email security solution. With more than 70 per cent of worldwide email …

Mobile banking users to exceed 1.75 billion by 2019

Over 1.75 billion mobile phone users will have used their devices for banking purposes by the end of 2019, compared to 800 million this year, according to Juniper Research. …

Dispelling the myths behind DDoS attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are quickly becoming the preferred method for cyber attackers to wreak havoc on the internet. With a recent spate of attention …

Travelers targeted by infected travel websites

Proofpoint security researchers recently were the first to discover that a large number of travel destination websites had been compromised and were being used to deliver the …

Why IAM will be worth over $10 billion by 2018

Enterprises are increasing their investment in Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions. According to research firm MarketsandMarkets, the IAM Market is expected to grow …

Security weakness found in WiFi enabled LED light bulb

Researchers at Context Information Security have been able to expose a security weakness in a WiFi enabled, energy efficient LED light bulb that can be controlled from a …

Week in review: DDoS attacks becoming more effective, and how to build trust between business and IT

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and interviews: Gathering and using threat intelligence In this interview, Tomer Teller, …

Microsoft to address six issues on Tuesday

Microsoft has dropped their July 2014 advance security notification and it looks like a relatively light month of patching. Six issues in total, 2 Critical, 3 Important, 1 …

Connecting cloud storage services and cloud-based data loss prevention

CoSoSys released a new version of My Endpoint Protector, a cloud-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution for both Macs and PCs. The new …

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