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Exposing the insecurity of hotel safes

Travel documents, cash, mobile devices, cameras, jewellery and company documents – on holiday or on a business trip, tourists and business people alike often carry …

63% of businesses don’t encrypt credit cards

In its third study on unencrypted card data, SecurityMetrics found that 63.86% of businesses store the unencrypted 16-digit sequence on the front of credit cards, also known …

Pushdo Trojan infects 11,000 systems in 24 hours

Bitdefender has discovered that a new variant of the Trojan component, Pushdo, has emerged. 77 machines have been infected in the UK via the botnet in the past 24 hours, with …

New IP-based wireless networking protocol created

Recognizing the need for a better way to connect products in the home, seven companies announced that they’ve joined forces to develop Thread, a new IP-based wireless …

49% of security pros think Java apps are vulnerable to attacks

In a recent poll, half of the senior IT professionals polled said their Java applications are vulnerable (32%) or very vulnerable (17%) to attacks. They cited insecure coding …

Cloud Security Alliance updates guidance documents

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) announced significant updates to two de facto industry standards, the Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) Version 3.0.1 and the Consensus Assessments …

Unlocking the hidden value of information

Unstructured content accounts for 90% of all digital information. This content is locked in a variety of formats, locations, and applications made up of separate repositories, …

Oracle delivers 113 updates

Oracle’s Quarterly Critical Patch Update (CPU) is never a minor event. In April we saw 104 security issues addressed, in January it was 144. This time around we are …

Most dangerous superheroes to search for online

Though he has spent years fighting for good in comic books and on the big screen, Superman has emerged as one of the web’s biggest villains as he comes top in …

100+ DDoS events over 100GB/sec reported this year

Arbor Networks released global DDoS attack data derived from its ATLAS threat monitoring infrastructure. The data shows an unparalleled number of volumetric attacks in the …

How email user habits impact personal life

GFI Software announced the findings of its second independent study into email user habits, which revealed a stark increase in the way that work email is encroaching into the …

65 challenges that cloud computing poses to forensics investigators

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued for public review and comment a draft report summarizing 65 challenges that cloud computing poses to …

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