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70% of IT pros experience weekly phishing attacks

69 percent of IT professionals experience phishing attacks at least once a week, with customer data cited most often as the type of data attacked, followed by financial …

eBook: BYOD Policy Roadmap

Every business needs a clearly articulated position on BYOD, even if it chooses not to allow for it. What’s your position? Do you even have one? If you’re …

Week in review: PoS security, the Black Hat Arsenal, and securing the U.S. electrical grid

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, podcasts, interviews and articles: Securing the U.S. electrical grid The Center for the Study of …

Patching: The least understood line of defense

When it comes to security, only a total dope doesn’t understand firewalls, anti-virus and at least the basics of passwords. But how many end users, indeed how many IT …

A closer look at Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner automatically checks your web applications for SQL Injection, XSS and other web vulnerabilities. Features: AcuSensor Technology SQL …

Phishers targeting crypto currency and retail sites

Online payment services and crypto-currency sites are being targeted by phishers. The number of phishing attacks remained high, and the second quarter of 2014 saw the …

5 things infosec can learn from adventure games

As an active adventure gamer and a natural seeker of reusable patterns, I’ve noticed that some of the things I do to achieve success in video games can be applied to …

70% of finance apps vulnerable to input validation attacks

A growing number of data breaches and security incidents can be directly linked to poor code quality, according to CAST. The data reveals finance and retail industry …

10 most significant software security design flaws

The IEEE Center for Secure Design, a cybersecurity initiative focused on the identification of software design flaws, released a report based on real-world data collected and …

Why every security-conscious organization needs a honeypot

You’ve probably heard the phrase about “canaries in a coal mine.” In the mid 1900s, a guy named John Haldane figured out that birds die pretty quickly when …

Former HHS cyber security director convicted for child porn

The former acting director of cyber security at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was convicted by a federal jury in the District of Nebraska of engaging in a …

470 million sites exist for 24 hours, 22% are malicious

Blue Coat researchers analyzed more than 660 million unique hostnames requested by 75 million global users over a 90-day period. They found that 71 percent of the hostnames, …

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