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5 tips for security behavior management programs

Security awareness has long been a point of frustration for information security professionals. While many organizations conduct awareness training of some kind, they have …

80% of business users are unable to detect phishing scams

McAfee Labs revealed that phishing continues to be an effective tactic for infiltrating enterprise networks. Testing business users’ ability to detect online scams, the …

Critical Security Controls adoption and implementation

A new SANS survey reports 90% of organizations taking the survey have adopted some or all of the Critical Security Controls (CSCs), and that financial and government …

9 ways to protect data on your smartphone

Recent headlines of Hollywood celebrities’ nude photos leaking onto the Internet remind us of the privacy risks we face when we store personal data – particularly …

Linux systems infiltrated and controlled in a DDoS botnet

Akamai Technologies is alerting enterprises to a high-risk threat of IptabLes and IptabLex infections on Linux systems. Malicious actors may use infected Linux systems to …

Big Data is big noise

Big Data was supposed to be the solution to all our security problems, but this spotlight on intruders turned out to be a mess of white noise. Hiding comfortably in that …

Cybercriminals love PayPal, financial phishing on the rise

Kaspersky Lab’s experts reported a substantial increase in the amount of financial phishing in spam. There was a 7.9 percentage points increase in the amount of scam …

Free security software identifies cloud vulnerabilities

Whether responding to customer orders or requesting partner data, the biggest cloud security concern for the enterprise is the direct communication between applications. To …

How PCI DSS 3.0 impacts business owners

If your business processes, transmits, or stores credit card data, you are subject to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). PCI DSS 3.0 went into effect …

160,000 new malware samples appear each day

Malware is still being created at the record levels reached in the previous quarter: 15 million new samples were generated, at an average rate of 160,000 every day, according …

Expert international cybercrime taskforce tackles online crime

Hosted at the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) at Europol, the Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce (J-CAT), which is being piloted for six months, will coordinate international …

IT security is a matter of accountability

For today’s CEO, being the victim of criminal hackers is no longer just a source of embarrassment. Being hacked often carries legal ramifications and can even cost you …

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