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133 DDoS attacks over 100Gbps so far in 2014

Arbor Networks released global DDoS attack data for Q3 2014 showing a remarkable increase in Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) reflection attacks. Arbor monitored very …

Infected ATMs give away millions of dollars without credit cards

Kaspersky Lab performed a forensic investigation into cybercriminal attacks targeting multiple ATMs around the world. During the course of this investigation, researchers …

How does spam affect your business?

68% of organizations have seen their day-to-day business operations severely disrupted or completely stopped as a result of at least one spam-related incident in the last year …

How can parents keep their children safe on the Internet?

In today’s society, children are unquestionably more tech-savvy than ever before, with far greater access to gadgets and a veritable wealth of information at their …

Every fifth Android user faces cyber attacks

A total of 1,000,000 Android device users around the world encountered dangerous software between August 2013 and July 2014, according to the results of a survey carried out …

ISACA releases Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate

ISACA launched the Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate. Intended for university students and recent graduates, entry-level security professionals, and those seeking a …

How consumers foot the bill for data breaches

Data breaches are almost always expensive and somebody always ends up paying those expenses somewhere down the line. Either because they were affected directly and have no one …

Exabeam announces user behavior security technology

Exabeam launched its platform, which adds a layer of user behavior intelligence on top of existing SIEM and log management repositories to give IT security teams a view of the …

Who’s at risk of identity theft?

A new nationwide survey by the AARP shows that consumers continue to put themselves at risk of identity theft by ignoring simple protection tips like shredding personal …

Week in review: JPMorgan Chase breach, iOS spyware, and BadUSB attack code

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Bash Shellshock bug: More attacks, more patches As vendors scramble to issue patches …

CISOs troubled by complex issues

Although nearly one-half (48 percent) of all state CISOs reported incremental increases to cyber security budgets, insufficient funding remains the leading barrier to battling …

Attitudes and understanding of data protection across Europe

New research, conducted by Vanson Bourne, reveals that 84 per cent of respondents agree Europe needs stronger data protection laws, but 77 per cent are not confident their …

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