Adware components top list of Threats in June
The top three threats of the month are trojans, two of which are adware components and the third is part of a fake (or rogue) antivirus. In the first place is Trojan.Clicker.CM, a popup-ad-serving trojan being distributed via infected websites. Next on the list is Trojan.Downloader.WMA.Wimad.N, a simple downloader which points victims’ browsers at Adware.PlayMp3z.A.
Trojan.FakeAlert.PP placed third and is found in web pages which attempt to convince users to install “XP antivirus” which is not an antivirus at all, but rather a fake antivirus which claims to have found viruses and demands money to remove them.
Sorin Dudea, Head of BitDefender AV Research commented:
We were taken a bit by surprise when we compiled the data, since the top comprises the exact same trojans in the exact same order as last month’s menaces — a rather unusual occurrence. However, they are less of a threat this month — the percentages are all lower, which means each of them has been less successful than it was last month.