Welcome to the new Help Net Security

We’re all about keeping you updated with important security stories, but this time around we have some news about us.

During the weekend we rolled out a brand new version of Help Net Security. This is the 10th version of the site since we launched back in 1998, and it presents an ambitious and comprehensive overhaul that was months in the making.

The choices we’ve made are based on reader feedback and plenty of research. Below are the highlights.

Branding and domain

By Internet standards we’ve been around for nearly forever, and unfortunately our brand has started showing its age. We now have an updated visual identity featuring a modern logo and a fresh color scheme.

We retired the net-security.org domain and we moved to helpnetsecurity.com. Readers have been referring to us as Help Net for years, so we consider it a natural evolution.

Discover content

We’ve upgraded the visibility of top stories and introduced a more intuitive placement for related stories, which will enable users to quickly access relevant data.

In the past few years the number of industry leaders contributing to Help Net Security has skyrocketed. With a special front page placement, contributors get extended exposure for their writing.

We have a stronger backend that enables us to craft even more engaging microsites for the global security conferences we visit and sponsor during the year.

Mobile site

Stats are showing a constant increase in visits from mobile devices, so we set out to provide a polished experience for mobile devices. If you visit us using your smartphone or tablet, you’re up for a greatly improved experience.


Although we don’t have accounts on Help Net Security and we don’t limit access to any of our content, we are a security site, and readers have rightfully asked on many occasions why we don’t provide a HTTPS version. Starting now, Help Net Security is HTTPS only.

No more Flash

The Flash Payer is alarmingly insecure and it requires constant security updates. To make matters even worse, it doesn’t work on most mobile devices. We haven’t been delivering Flash content for years, and in this latest update we removed Flash from all old podcasts and videos. We don’t plan on using Flash content on Help Net Security in the future.

The work continues

While we’ve spent a considerable amount of time hunting down bugs, there could be issues we’ve overlooked. I would appreciate if you could drop me a line at mzorz@helpnetsecurity.com so we can take a look. Naturally, suggestions are very welcome – as always.

When we set out to create Help Net Security almost 18 years ago, we couldn’t have expected it to grow into what it is today. We have you, our readers and contributors to thank for that. We hope that his newest edition will enable you to enjoy our site for many years to come.

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