Whitepaper: 5 steps to improve your network’s health
When the Heartbleed bug hit, companies and customers worldwide scrambled to assess if and how the bug affected them – and, where necessary, take the required steps to recover. The bug’s reach also provided a powerful reminder that:
- Acting swiftly to patch a known vulnerability can mitigate threats to a network.
- IT administrators need to implement a methodical auditing and patching process.
Whenever a new virus or piece of malware hits the headlines, IT managers the world over quake in their shoes, worrying how exposed their network and business applications may be. It’s challenging enough for the larger companies that enjoy well-staffed IT departments with sufficient resources.
But what happens if you are a SMB, where IT resources and a budget for new security measures are often limited? Beyond the traditional antivirus, firewall and web security, what more should an IT admin be doing?
No network can be 100% secure. But diligently adhering to a simple plan can dramatically improve network security and enhance protection against new malware.
This whitepaper introduces five recommended steps for building a methodical network auditing and patching process.