Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner: Open-source tool for detecting web cache poisoning

The Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner (WCVS) is an open-source command-line tool for detecting web cache poisoning and deception.

Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner

The scanner, developed by Maximilian Hildebrand, offers extensive support for various web cache poisoning and deception techniques. It features a built-in crawler to discover additional URLs for testing. The tool is designed to adapt to specific web caches for enhanced testing efficiency, is customizable, and integrates into existing CI/CD pipelines.


  • Analyzing a web cache before testing and adapting to it for more efficient testing
  • Generating a report in JSON format
  • Crawling websites for further URLs to scan
  • Routing traffic through a proxy
  • Limiting requests per second to bypass rate limiting

Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner supports nine advanced web cache poisoning techniques, including:

  • Unkeyed header poisoning
  • Unkeyed parameter poisoning
  • Parameter cloaking
  • Fat GET
  • HTTP response splitting
  • HTTP request smuggling
  • HTTP header oversize (HHO)
  • HTTP meta character (HMC)
  • HTTP method override (HMO)

Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner is available for free on GitHub.

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