Computer Security Basics (2nd Edition)

Authors: Rick Lehtinen, G.T. Gangemi Sr.
Pages: 310
Publisher: O’Reilly
ISBN: 0596006691


Computer books usually tend to fit into two categories: immense titles that try to contain everything you might need or highly specialized books on a single topic. This book tries to provide you with enough details about a lot of computer security topics but it does it in just over 300 pages. Read on to discover what it brings to the table.

About the author

Rick Lehtinen is an experienced security trainer and security course developer.

G.T. Gangemi Sr. is Director of Wang Laboratories’ Secure Systems Program.

Inside the book

The book is divided into five parts of which the last one is comprised of three appendixes. The authors start off by explaining what computer security really is. You may think this is something boring you should skip, but in reality it’s a comprehensive explanation that covers several pages. Very well done! For those of you that like to get a background on stuff you learn, the authors dedicated enough space to history as well.

What follows is an introduction to access controls, malware, security policies and web attacks. The material is presented very clearly, with simple language and it lacks in-depth technical details which is exactly what usually makes beginners confused. The chapter on encryption is very well written and illustrates this challenging topic with several targeted figures that makes it easier to grasp.

The authors really do cover every aspect by writing also about physical security and biometrics. They touch on risk analysis by exposing te misfortune natural disasters may bring, describe the tokens, smart cards and more. Wireless security gets enough coverage with a description of several types of attacks and a list of details every user should know about.

Final thoughts

Aimed at beginners interested in learning the fundamentals of computer security, this book proves itself as a valuable guide that will take beginners on a journey through diverse areas of this challenging topic.

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