Concentric AI unveils employee offboarding risk monitoring and reporting module

Concentric AI announced its new employee offboarding risk monitoring and reporting module that delivers critical data detection and response capabilities to identify true risk to data and secure sensitive information when employees leave a company.

Concentric AI’s new release also expands its vast ecosystem of supported structured and unstructured data repositories, including new support for Salesforce, Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL, and BigQuery, broadening the company’s ability to discovery, monitor, classify, and protect organizations’ structured and unstructured data.

As organizations experience employee churn, ensuring that data is protected and employees don’t leave with sensitive IP is critical. Employees can have access to massive amounts of sensitive information, including customer databases, strategic plans, software, software design, NDAs, contracts, and trade secrets.

Employee offboarding presents unique challenges for data security, especially with a workforce that’s heavily cloud-driven and more remote than ever before.

Concentric AI stands out in the industry with its differentiated context-aware data discovery, classification and risk monitoring, which enables deep contextual understanding of data sensitivity and permissions management to enable security teams to easily determine which employee data is personal and which is private corporate data, independent of the folder the file may be in, so they can be prescriptive on which data they allow to leave the organization.

The new employee offboarding risk monitoring and reporting module also identifies by category any sensitive data downloaded and/or modified; and any sensitive data shared with personal emails, sent to anyone outside the organization, and emailed or shared across messaging channels.

“Comprehensive DSPM functionalities are essential for identifying the private IP and sensitive company information that needs to remain in the hands of the organization when an employee leaves,” said Karthik Krishnan, Concentric AI CEO.

“This new functionality is a result of our customers’ requests as they deal with offboarding employees and potential data loss. This industry-first functionality further distances Concentric AI from the competitive field which does not support these capabilities, and also best equips our partners to deliver the industry’s leading DSPM capabilities to their customers,” added Krishnan.

Added data repository support enables Concentric AI to leverage its data discovery, risk monitoring and remediation capabilities across a broader variety of popular data repositories. With data sprawled across all types of repositories, all organizations are challenged with the inability to clearly identify where all sensitive data resides.

The distributed nature of data repositories in the cloud posed risks of mismanagement and security breaches. Sifting through log files in SIEMs and endpoint folders is time consuming, while ineffective rules-based content segregation and folder-level permissions lead to manual oversight burdens and potential audit and compliance issues.

“Our additional connector support brings the most accurate AI-enabled data classification and robust remediation capabilities to important and popular new data repositories,” added Krishnan. “By expanding support for both structured and unstructured data, organizations can gain a complete understanding of their data without using multiple tools. This release is the latest demonstration of Concentric AI’s ability to innovate as the data landscape expands into new areas.”

Concentric AI secures data-centric work using AI to protect business-critical information hidden in the numerous applications, data stores and databases used by today’s distributed workforce. The company’s unique deep learning solution using sophisticated natural language autonomously and accurately identifies sensitive data, assesses risk, and remediates security issues, allowing organizations across industries to fully meet their data security needs for the first time.

It automates unstructured and structured data security both on premises and in cloud environments using deep learning to categorize data, uncover business criticality and reduce risk in enterprises’ most popular databases, data repositories, email and messaging applications, and enterprise Gen AI tools and AI assistants.

Concentric AI’s Semantic Intelligence DSPM solution scans organizations’ data, detects sensitive or business critical content, identifies the most appropriate classification category, and automatically tags the data. Concentric AI uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve discovery and classification accuracy and efficiency to avoid endless regex rules and inaccurate end user labeling.

In addition, Concentric AI can monitor and autonomously identify risk to financial and other data from inappropriate permissioning, wrong entitlements, risky sharing, and unauthorized access. It can automatically remediate permissions and sharing issues or leverage other security solutions and cloud APIs to quickly and continuously protect exposed data.

Concentric AI’s new employee offboarding risk monitoring and reporting module is available now.

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