Arch Linux 2009.08 released

Arch Linux is a lightweight and flexible Linux distribution. The 2009.08 snapshot images are now available.

Changes since the 2009.02 release:

  • built from a current snapshot of [core], which includes kernel, udev 141-5 and pacman 3.3.0-3.
  • aufs instead of unionfs
  • enhanced boot device detection on image start
  • bugfixes (xfs freeze, mirror setting, clock correctness, network settings, …)
  • more useful automatic configuration settings for your target system based on your settings during the installation
  • ftp images are renamed to netinstall to avoid confusion

The new AIF installer brings:

  • better disk editor with support for dm_crypt and lvm setups
  • support for automated installations using config files (deprecates quickinst)
  • a framework to build your own installation procedures
  • enhanced date/time setting with ntp support
  • refactored grub installation routines
  • usability improvements.

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