RSA Conference Awards for 2009 nominations form now online
The nomination form has been launched for the RSA Conference Awards, presented at RSA Conference 2009. Each year, the organizers ask for nominations for outstanding contributions of individuals in the field of cryptography and information security in the following fields:
Mathematics: the award recognizes innovation and ongoing contributions in the field of cryptography, acknowledging pioneers in their field whose work has applied lasting value. Nominees are affiliated with universities or research labs. The judging committee is coordinated by RSA Laboratories. The 2008 award went to Arjen Lenstra, Professor, Laboratory for Cryptologic Algorithms, ?‰cole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
Public Policy: this award recognizes significant contributions and leadership in the field of cyber security public policy. Nominees hold elected or appointed office, are associated with public interest organizations or an organization that has significantly contributed to the development or application of current information security and/or privacy policy. The 2008 award went to Congressman Jim Langevin from Rhode Island’s 2nd Congressional District, chairman of the House of Representatives’ Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emerging Threats.
Security Practices: this award recognizes a security practitioner for an outstanding security program or initiative which has enhanced the security posture and business processes at their organization. In addition, the program or initiative must be a best practice whose value transcends the individual’s specific organization so that the benefits can be adopted by other organizations. Nominees are predominately CISOs. The award is judged by the Executive Security Action Forum (ESAF), an association of chief information security offers and executives responsible for protecting information for Global 1000 companies and government agencies. The 2008 award went to Philip Venables, Managing Director and Chief Information Risk Officer, Goldman Sachs & Co., USA.