Crossroads Systems announces DBProtector 2.0
Crossroads Systems announces DBProtector 2.0
Crossroads Systems, Inc. announced that Crossroads’ DBProtector 2.0 will begin its early adopter phase this month with general availability expected in April, 2007.
Crossroads DBProtector 2.0, the company’s latest release of its non-intrusive network appliance, delivers maximum security against “authorized misuse” of critical database information. Putting proactive control in the hands of security managers, DBProtector fortifies regulatory compliance through an intelligent policy engine, automated audit reporting and forensic capabilities.
DBProtector 2.0 offers several new and enhanced features, including:
” Microsoft SQL Server (2000 & 2005) support – Expands Crossroads’ Oracle and DB2 customer base to include MS SQL Server market
” Baseline Report – Features alerts detailing how a database has been accessed over time, by database or user, helping users create a profile of their database usage across different time periods
” Database Traffic Discovery Report – Fine-tune policies featuring alerts that detail the database environment, including past and current data traffic, as well as connections between database servers, databases, clients and application servers, applications, and users
” NAS Integration – Network Attached-Storage (NAS) support provides centralized data access and storage
” Digital Signature Audit Log – Ensures log file integrity, guaranteeing the audit data log files have not been tampered with after closed
” Backup and Restore Capability – Saves the current configuration of the appliance, including network information, import and mapping data, policies and user information, eliminating the need to manually re-enter configuration and policy information during an upgrade
” Enhanced Policy Engine – Provides enhanced granularity of SQL traffic analysis and forensics by offering additional support for policy types such as logons, SQL Impact improvements, standard procedures, and rows returned