Online Banking Security Web Conference
Personal information of more than 500,000 clients was stolen through online banking access from Wachovia and Bank of America. What can the CSO do to counter these thefts and to make the customer’s online banking experience secure? By the end of 2006 all US financial institutions have to improve their online banking security measures to comply with an FDIC initiative. Compliance with this initiative will require institutions with online financial transactions to have more than one way of authentication.
This process involves more than one step of customer identity verification. Verification that is necessary as a countermeasure to identity theft. What are the additional cost factors to this multi-layered verification process? Do the costs outweigh the risks of not having additional verification measures in place?
Join the FDIC and two of the leading banks in the US as our speakers discuss authentication requirements in online banking security and how Wachovia Corp. and Washington Mutual are guarding against future ID theft and data corruption.
The Online Banking Security Web Conference will take place on Friday, July 28, 2006, from 1:00pm – 3:00pm EDT. Register at