Vordel debuts latest version of hardened XML security appliance – with on-board acceleration developed in association with Dajeil

Dublin, Ireland June 21, 2005 Vordel, the XML Web Services security company today announced the release of VS3000, the latest version of its hardened XML security gateway appliance. Developed in conjunction with hardware security acceleration experts Dajeil, the Vordel VS3000 XML Security Gateway is a wire-speed in-line device which filters XML traffic on the network.

Through a combination of standards-based access control and comprehensive XML attack prevention, the VS3000 allows an organization to control who accesses its XML applications, as well as controlling what data they send to it. The device functions as an XML-level router, augmenting existing network infrastructure.

VS3000 incorporates Vordel’s core pipeline engine which accelerates the primitives of XML security (XML Signature, XML Encryption, and WS-Security). This engine, developed and refined since 1999, has been proven in production environments protecting mission-critical XML deployments for Fortune 1000 firms. On-board acceleration, combined with components chosen for low MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and high throughput, mean that the VS3000 provides wire-speed performance. The VS3000 is a pre-hardened appliance, offering both threat protection and access management. Protection is provided against XML Denial-of-Service attacks. SOAP attachments, including MIME and DIME, are filtered.

Vordel CEO, Vic Morris, speaking at the announcement said, “The VS3000 extends Vordel’s lead in the XML security market, by including best-of-breed technology in a pre-hardened appliance. This device complements Vordel’s suite of existing XML security products, extends the choice for customers who may wish to deploy XML security on an appliance, a blade server, or on a custom server. Whatever the requirement, Vordel has a solution to suit”.

Dajeil CEO, Chris Fairclough said “We are delighted to support Vordel with our XML / WSS acceleration expertise. XML Security processing presents special difficulties for even the highest performing standard CPUs, so special innovative hardware assistance is required for high performance appliances such as the Vordel VS3000. We feel that the respective strengths of both companies will deliver superior Web Services results for the customer”

The advanced VS3000 feature set includes:

Powerful rules engine with easy to use management interface

Uniquely for an XML security appliance, the VS3000 ships with an XML Schema Editor (automatic generation of Schemas), PKI tools (generation of keys), and an XPath Wizard (graphical selection of elements to sign and/or encrypt).

Ease of Deployment from staging to production environments

Policies can be imported and exported as XML files, to minimize the time taken to replicate policies across multiple devices, or to move from staging to production environments. The device has a “Deny by Default” policy set, in order to detect and block any unauthorized deployments of Web Services. Policies can be re-applied across multiple application endpoints using simple drop-down menus.

Comprehensive security for all flavors of XML applications

The VS3000 is unique in its capability to provide protection for all classes of XML applications: SOAP-based Web Services, “plain XML” applications and “REST style” applications invoked using only HTTP. The device supports all XML dialects, including ACORD, FIXML, and ebXML.


The VS3000 core XML security pipeline engine accelerates the core operations of Web Services security via its highly optimized, performance-enhanced implementations of XML Encryption, XML Signature, and WS-Security. As well as accelerating the XML processing, the acceleration hardware on-board also accelerates SSL and cryptography operations.

Audit and reporting

The VS3000 monitors the performance of the XML applications which it protects, allowing for the enforcement of Service Level Agreement thresholds. XML activity is logged and the logs may optionally be signed. A Web-based interface is provided to search the secure audit trail.

VS3000 supports standards such as WS-Security 1.0, Liberty Alliance/SAML 1.0/SAML 2.0, WS-Trust, WS-Policy, WS-SecureConversation, XACML, XPath, XKMS, WSDM, SSL, LDAP, and RADIUS. VS3000 interoperates with existing identity management infrastructures, including Entrust GetAccess, RSA ClearTrust, IBM Tivoli, LDAP directories, Microsoft Active Directory, and Web Access Control policies. The VS3000 also interoprates with leading XML products and platforms, including Microsoft .NET, BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, and SAP NetWeaver.


To obtain a copy of the VS3000 and for relevant pricing information, please go to www.vordel.com.

About Dajeil

Dajeil delivers software intensive hardware devices, aimed at boosting the XML performance in Web Services Infrastructure products. Dajeil’s special purpose Accelerator units are designed to effectively tackle the bottlenecks that arise in the Web Services paradigm, delivering a dramatic performance boost to applications and a lower total cost of ownership. Dajeil was formed in 2003, is privately held, with investment from the Irish Government and other Blue Chip investors. Visit website at www.dajeil.com

About Vordel

Vordel provides security for XML communications. Our XML gateway and XML security server products enable organizations to deploy and configure security, both inside and outside the organization. VordelDirector is an XML Security Server which provides the security services that are required in a Service Oriented Architecture. VordelSecure is an award-winning XML gateway that provides perimeter-based security. Vordel products are in use by Fortune 1000 companies, and public sector institutions worldwide. For more information, please visit www.vordel.com.

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