Symantec Introduces New Appliance Designed To Dramatically Reduce Volume Of Email And Malicious Threats Entering Corporate Networks

Symantec, the global leader in information security, has announced the Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series. Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series appliances are designed to dramatically reduce the volume of unwanted messages before they enter the corporate network, reducing administrative overhead, network bottlenecks, email infrastructure costs and storage requirements. Scheduled to be available in February, Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series appliances are designed for large businesses, enterprises and ISPs.

Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series is the industry’s first solution that is designed to reduce the overall mail volume entering a network by shaping traffic at the TCP protocol level, said Enrique Salem, senior vice president, gateway and network security, Symantec Corp. This unique feature enables customers to reduce the volume of unwanted messages and defend against spam attacks, allowing them to reclaim control of their email infrastructure.

Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series is designed to provide large enterprises and ISPs an effective solution to reduce and slow the inbound flow of spam traffic, thereby reducing email volume by over 50 percent before it ever enters the corporate network while ensuring timely delivery of legitimate business messages. Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series appliances can automatically control the flow of email based on the sender’s actual behavior as well as reputation data from Symantec’s Sender Reputation Service. Based on objective analysis of sending patterns at the network level, Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series can identify abusive senders and prevent them from sending spam into a protected network.

Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series appliances shape traffic at the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) protocol level, prohibiting spammers from forcing mail into a protected network. This patent-pending TCP traffic shaping technology decreases the volume of inbound spam even as spammers increase the volume and intensity of their attacks. This unique approach actually stops spam on the spammers servers, rather than forcing an enterprise to receive and then either quarantine or discard the spam. Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series appliances lower hard disk storage requirements by preventing spam from entering the corporate network.

Customers are provided automated reputation and statistics downloads from Symantec to keep the appliances up-to-date. An easy-to-use Web-based Control Center allows IT administrators to use a Web browser to administer the appliance and view a real-time dashboard of consolidated performance statistics. IT administrators can also apply the latest security enhancements and updates to the operating system and supporting software.

Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series is not designed to be a message-by-message email filter, but rather a volume reducer that can be effectively coupled with any antispam gateway solution, including Symantec Mail Security 8200 Series, to provide a comprehensive multi-layered approach to combat spam. The solution is powered by Symantec Brightmail technology and response over 300 million protected email accounts.

Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series is easy to install, compatible with any messaging server and operates transparently in a corporate network. It is designed to scale to meet the growing needs of an organisation. A single appliance may protect up to 750,000 user accounts and email loads in excess of 35 million messages a day. In addition, multiple appliances can be clustered together to support both scalability and high availability.

Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series is in the Symantec Email Security Solutions family, which includes best-of-breed email security at the network, gateway and groupware layers with multiple deployment options for all organisations.

Licensing and Availability
Designed for large enterprises and ISPs that require better utilisation of Internet throughput at the network gateway, Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series will be offered in one model (8160). Symantec Mail Security 8160 will be targeted toward organisations of more than 2000 users. Customers will be required to purchase the appliance and appropriate content subscription individually. In order to accommodate varying licence needs, the content subscription will be licensed on a per-user/per-year subscription model.

Symantec Mail Security 8100 Series appliances are scheduled to be available in February through Symantec’s worldwide network of value-added resellers, distributors and systems integrators. Organizations seeking a reseller or distributor should contact Symantec at

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