Panda Software Launches Its New Range Of Corporate Products with TruPrevent Technologies, The Most Intelligent Technologies To Combat Unknown Viruses And Intruders
The new solutions BusinesSecure with TruPrevent Technologies, BusinesSecure Exchange with TruPrevent Technologies and EnterpriSecure with TruPrevent Technologies protect the IT networks of all types of companies from Internet threats, including unknown viruses and intruders TruPrevent Technologies offer a second line of defense for network workstations and servers, analyzing suspicious program behavior and blocking them automatically and intelligently with no need for human intervention, to prevent attacks from viruses like Sasser, Mydoom or Bagle Panda Software is launching the new range of products with TruPrevent Technologies -the most intelligent technologies to combat unknown viruses and intruders- for protecting corporate networks: BusinesSecure with TruPrevent Technologies and BusinesSecure Exchange with TruPrevent Technologies, for small to mid-sized companies, and EnterpriSecure with TruPrevent Technologies, for large corporations. In addition, Panda Software offers TruPrevent Corporate, for businesses of any size that already have antivirus protection not provided by Panda Software and want to make it more effective by adding the powerful intrusion prevention capabilities of TruPrevent Technologies.
New features in Panda Software’s new corporate solutions
The main new features in Panda Software’s new corporate solutions include:
– TruPrevent Technologies, the most intelligent technologies to combat unknown viruses and intruders, can block threats automatically with no need for prior updates and have proven to be highly effective against attacks from viruses like Sasser, Mydoom or Bagle.
– New Client Shield with TruPrevent Technologies. To protect workstations, Panda’s new corporate solutions include ClientShield which not only has TruPrevent Technologies, but also defends against all types of known malicious code. And in addition to the latest antivirus technology, this solution, blocks spam and protects against hackers, spyware, dialers, hoaxes, jokes… ClientShield is available in 23 languages.
– FileSecure with TruPrevent Technologies, to protect Windows file servers, from NT 4 to the latest Windows Server 2003 against viruses and intruders, regardless of the configuration and including clusters. FileSecure with TruPrevent Technologies also protects the integrity of Novell NetWare servers versions 4, 5 and 6.
– New SambaSecure module designed to protect the most widely-used file server in mixed Windows-Linux environments. This module includes resident and on-demand protection for Linux servers on Intel platforms, using the Samba service to share files transparently with other computers running Windows. Installation, management, maintenance and supervision of the protection is performed through an intuitive, user-friendly console with secure HTTPS access.
– AdminSecure, the tool for remote, centralized management of all tasks related to the management of Panda Software security products. The new version of this tool improves scalability, allowing the integration of several installations in a single administration panel, and is now available in 8 languages: German, simplified Chinese, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese. – New NetworkSecure function, to guarantee the security of all connections to the local network. It ensures the computers accessing file servers and desktops have up-to-date anti-malware protection. If these computers don’t comply with the security requirements set by the network -for instance, an updated antivirus and a personal firewall- , the computer won’t be able to access the network. The new Panda Software solutions include other new characteristics that make them the most powerful on the market when it comes to defending corporate networks: – More security, thanks to the incorporation of a shield protecting the files and processes themselves of Panda Software’s corporate solutions to prevent tampering from viruses or intruders. This ensures that the network will never be left unguarded. – More usability, thanks to a simple and practical self diagnosis window, which also offers information about the world virus status and the security situation in the company. – Greater flexibility when updating the solutions, as it is possible to select the protection to update using replicas between repositories, and as the signature file is divided into sections to improve update efficiency. Panda Software’s new corporate protection solutions also include CommandlineSecure. This command line system for detecting and eliminating viruses allows the effectiveness of Panda’s antivirus engine to be incorporated in third-party applications, both in DOS and Windows 32-bit environment and in many Linux distributions. BusinesSecure Exchange with TruPrevent Technologies and EnterpriSecure with TruPrevent Technologies incorporate ExchangeSecure, a protection module designed to integrate seamlessly with all versions of Exchange, offering anti-spam and antivirus protection. EnterpriSecure with TruPrevent Technologies also includes other protection modules: – CVPSecure, for Check Point FireWall NG and other CVP products. – ISASecure, providing antivirus protection to Microsoft ISA servers, including the new 2004 version. – DominoSecure, to protect IBM’s Lotus Notes and Domino workgroup solutions. – SendmailSecure, QmailSecure and PostfixSecure, to protect Linux SMTP mail gateways. – ProxySecure, for Microsoft Proxy 2.0. TruPrevent Corporate is designed to let companies with an antivirus other than Panda Software enjoy the benefits of TruPrevent Technologies, the most intelligent technologies to combat unknown viruses and intruders. The new TruPrevent Corporate, when implemented in a network, act as the perfect complement to traditional antivirus solutions. This is why the solution is compatible with the most popular antivirus products on the market -other than those developed by Panda Software- that might be installed in the workstations and the Windows file servers in the corporation. The net result is simply greater security for the corporate network. Panda Software’s corporate solutions use the AdminSecure tool for remote, centralized management of all these solutions to combat malware, antivirus and intruders. With AdminSecure, installing, configuring, updating or maintaining antivirus protection is straightforward and secure, whether on local or wide area networks. TruPrevent Technologies in corporate environments Some of the most recent Internet threats have spread so rapidly that an adequate human response to them has been impossible. This explains why viruses such as Sasser, Mydoom or SQLSlammer succeeded in creating global epidemics in next to no time, demonstrating why reactive solutions like antivirus programs -which need to be updated before they are able to recognize a new virus- are not able to deal with these new threats. To solve this problem, security systems need to move towards protection models that do not require human intervention, allowing them to detect threats as soon as these attempt to carry out harmful actions. Panda Software has been working for some time on a type of protection that is capable of anticipating problems, and this effort has resulted in the revolutionary TruPrevent Technologies, the most intelligent technologies to combat unknown viruses and intruders, and which have demonstrated their effectiveness against latest generation worms like Sasser, Mydoom or Bagle. Just like a good detective, TruPrevent Technologies analyze suspicious behavior in programs and automatically block them intelligently using event correlation with no need for human intervention and without having to ask users any questions. This avoids the threats that use “social engineering” techniques to spread. The combination of traditional security systems and antivirus protection with the new TruPrevent Technologies has created a new benchmark in levels of security against the increasing number of Internet threats, including unknown viruses and intruders. The net result is simply greater security for the corporate network. TruPrevent Technologies included in the new corporate solutions offer a second line of defense for network workstations and file servers, protecting them against unknown viruses and intruders. All of them include the following TruPrevent Technologies: – Behavior-based malware detection. – Detector of malicious network packets and exploits with a ‘hands-off’ firewall. – Protection against buffer overflows. – Definition and reinforcement of security policies. More information about the new TruPrevent Technologies is available from the Panda Software website at