Logicalis Appoints 1st UK PhD In Intrusion Prevention

18 November 2004 – Logicalis, the assured application infrastructure provider, today announced the appointment of Emlyn Everitt, PhD, as specialist security consultant, with a primary focus on intrusion detection/prevention systems and compliance. Emlyn is the first to gain a PhD in Intrusion Prevention in the UK.

Qualified with a doctorate in IT Security – specialising in IDS/IPS – Everitt also lectures for the Open University on the subject of IT Governance/Security, and is a BS7799 accredited auditor. Joining Logicalis from BT, where for five years he held the position of Lead Security Design Consultant, Everitt was responsible for high assurance system design and customer facing technical pre-sales consultancy. It was here that Emlyn gained notable and high profile commercial success whilst working on the NHS National Medical Records System, Visa International card payment system and the Commonwealth games extranet and web-portal, where he had to combat the elite of hacking society.

Commenting on his new post, Everitt explains; “With the ever present dangers of information threat and compromise, amplified by the increasing dependence of market success on the safety of information assets, information security has never been more vital. This need for information security is also being driven by the looming spectre of future compliance legislation and the increasing awareness of the value of information amongst the criminal fraternity. Companies need to act now if they are to protect their information assets, whilst avoiding the expense of costly last minute “knee-jerk’ remedial action.”

Adding: “The time has come for companies to engage in comprehensive security partnerships with experts in the security industry if they are to ensure future security best practise compliance, whilst minimising TCO. Leaving behind the piecemeal fire-fighting approach of the past, companies will in future have to strategically plan around the need to safeguard their information assets if they are to maintain their market competitiveness in the 21st century.”


Logicalis UK consults, builds, supports and manages assured application infrastructures for business critical processes. Specialising in IP Communications, Storage and Security, Logicalis’ team of experienced network experts design, deploy, maintain or manage high-performance networks and complex IT infrastructures for a wide range of UK businesses – from SME to Enterprise and Public Sector bodies.

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