“Cisco Routers For The Desperate” Comes To The Rescue

October 27, 2004, San Francisco–When a system rarely breaks, the tech support people who maintain it don’t often have the opportunity to learn about it. So, when something does break, it can take a long time to fix. In “Cisco Routers For The Desperate: Router Management, The Easy Way” (No Starch Press, November ’04), network engineer Michael W. Lucas has compiled a concise, information-packed introduction that will transform the router from a mysterious black box to a helpful and vital part of the network. This book will make systems administrators comfortable with the Cisco environment, teach them how to troubleshoot problems and guide them through the basic tasks of router maintenance and integration into an existing network.

Cisco routers are the standard devices used to connect companies to the Internet. They are highly reliable and robust and support anything from small connections to huge circuits used by phone companies. Administrators who are responsible for a single Cisco router as part of a small Windows or UNIX network don’t want to wade through lengthy product documentation in the event of a problem. They need simple answers fast, not in-depth knowledge. Lucas addresses this audience in “Cisco Routers For The Desperate,” clearly communicating how to do a basic setup or recover from a router failure.

“As a consultant, I visit a lot of companies and work with quite a few network support people. Even those who are intelligent and highly skilled express trepidation when it comes to touching their Cisco routers,” Lucas says. “The truth is, you don’t need a huge amount of knowledge to troubleshoot a router. I wrote this book so that these people could access that basic information quickly and easily.”

In addition to sections on basic router installation and circuit troubleshooting,
“Cisco Routers For The Desperate” also teaches readers about:
* Installing a private network between two offices
* Installing security updates
* Basic network connection redundancy

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Michael W. Lucas is a network engineer with extensive experience on nationwide networks as well as those in offices. He is the author of the critically acclaimed “Absolute BSD” and “Absolute OpenBSD,” also from No Starch Press. Lucas has worked with Cisco devices since 1995 and is currently responsible for a high-availability Cisco-based network.

“Cisco Routers For The Desperate: Router Management, The Easy Way” by Michael W. Lucas
November 2004, 144 pp., $19.95, ISBN 1593270496
Available at fine bookstores everywhere, from www.oreilly.com/nostarch, or directly from No Starch Press (www.nostarch.com, orders@nostarch.com, 800.420.7240).
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