Sigaba Earns Afcea Golden Link Award

WASHINGTON, DC. — May 11, 2004 — Secure Data in Motion, dba Sigaba®, the leading provider of secure message management solutions, today accepted the AFCEA TechNet International Golden Link Award for 2004 for its work in facilitating secure communications in an international coalition environment.

The Golden Link Award, presented at the annual AFCEA TechNet International conference, recognizes superior technology solutions that respond to the most pressing needs of government today. Sigaba is being recognized for its PKI Express secure messaging product that facilitates trusted, secure SMTP email capability while allowing partners to maintain independent authentication mechanisms.

“In today’s world of coalition operations, one major problem is providing a coalition security infrastructure which allows each participating nation to maintain its own autonomous national authentication system, while still being able to access a secure, coalition-wide interoperable network,” the joint industry/government selection committee noted in recognizing Sigaba. “PKI Express does just that.”

Sigaba was recognized for its work in the Department of Defense Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration (JWID) 2003, an annual event that allows U.S. Combatant Commanders, national civil authorities and the international community to investigate new and emerging technologies in a simulated warfighting environment.

The final JWID report states: “PKI Express is a mature, proven, viable and effective solution. It provides easy to use, easy to deploy, and easy to manage secure messaging capability with agnostic authentication over a wired and wireless environment.”

“The coalition environment simulated by JWID is similar to the situation that now confronts homeland security authorities in which disparate groups need to communicate securely in a dynamic environment,” said Sharyn Pensmith, vice president, federal sector, for Sigaba. “We’re gratified by AFCEA’s recognition of our ability to provide secure communications amongst these dynamic communities of interest while allowing each to maintain its own autonomy and look forward to bringing our solutions to bear on other agencies facing the same challenges.”


PKI Express applies advanced, next-generation security technologies to solve the problem of global secure messaging. It enables instant, private communications and information sharing, and seamless interoperability between global entities, organizations, partners and agencies. Each maintains complete control over its own security information and authentication mechanisms.

The innovation also provides a platform to significantly accelerate PKI implementations, ensuring all the advantages, features and benefits of secure messaging during the deployment process. Using PKI Express with existing PKI infrastructures fills security gaps, enables unlimited scalability, adds a necessary layer of simplicity and manageability, and protects agencies from possible exposures.

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