Sophos EM Library Enables Automatic Anti-Virus Updates Across Multiple Platforms

Sophos, a world leader in anti-virus and anti-spam protection for businesses, today unveiled its new automated virus protection tool, Enterprise Manager (EM) Library. With EM Library, Sophos customers can now schedule automatic updates of the very latest virus protection across multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, NetWare, Linux and Unix systems. Additional features include a proactive alerting mechanism which keeps network administrators fully up-to-date with operational conditions.

With as many as 800 new viruses discovered each month, network managers can benefit from EM Library, which enables them to specify the time and frequency of scheduled anti-virus updates across multiple platforms in their networks. EM Library can be updated as often as hourly, ensuring that the latest virus protection is automatically downloaded and installed with minimal impact on system resources. Additionally, administrators can also perform on-demand virus updates, giving them full control of network security.

To further streamline the management of anti-virus protection, EM Library’s proactive alerts – which can be delivered by email, desktop messaging or event log – ensure that administrators are kept informed about system performance, allowing them to check that the downloads and installations are running optimally. An audit trail of the time new updates are received and applied also aids network administration.

Leonard Cheshire, the UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of support services to disabled people, has been trialling Sophos EM Library.

“Since introducing EM Library, we no longer need to worry about manually updating our anti-virus software, and with its built-in alerting system, we can also be confident that our network is always updated against the latest virus threats,” said Jeff Bennison, IT Security Analyst, Leonard Cheshire. “Now there is no need to carry out time-consuming checks to verify that our anti-virus protection has downloaded correctly, the IT team at Leonard Cheshire is free to concentrate on other aspects of work with the peace of mind that the network is hardened against viruses.”

EM Library also enables Sophos to add special messages to updates, flagging up important technical information for the attention of its corporate users and improving customer support.

“EM Library adds to Sophos’s award-winning support by enabling us to push out important technical information to our customers, helping them keep their networks as secure as possible,” said Mark Laister, Enterprise Manager product manager at Sophos. “Businesses rarely operate homogenous computer environments, so we have introduced automated anti-virus updates which can be applied across a variety of popular platforms. This takes the pain out of updating and improves security – both of which are great news for IT administrators.”

EM Library is part of the Enterprise Manager suite, which enables users to keep Sophos Anti-Virus updated automatically with the very latest anti-virus protection. For more information, visit:

About Sophos:
Sophos is a world leading computer security specialist, developing anti-virus and anti-spam software. Headquartered in the UK, the company produces solutions tailored for businesses of all sizes – from small enterprises to global corporations. Sophos is acclaimed for delivering the highest level of customer satisfaction and protection in the industry. The company’s products are sold and supported in more than 150 countries and protect more than 25 million users.

About Leonard Cheshire:
Leonard Cheshire is the UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of support to disabled people. It supports over 21,000 disabled people in the UK, offering flexible services to meet a wide range of needs. More than 85% of our service users live in their own homes. The charity campaigns for the rights of disabled people in the UK and raises awareness of the issues affecting them. The charity also provides worldwide support for disabled people through 257 independent Leonard Cheshire services in 57 countries.

Leonard Cheshire offers care at home services; residential care and nursing homes including respite care; day services including resource centres and mobile day centres; supported living; acquired brain injury (ABI) rehabilitation services; recreational services; and education, training and employment support via Workability and

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