IntelliReach Launches MessageScreen Platinum, Aggressively Addressing New Breed Of Spammer/Hacker

Dedham, MA – October 28, 2003 – IntelliReach Corporation, the leader in integrated compliance, security and management solutions for corporate messaging environments, announced today the availability of MessageScreen Platinum, their advanced spam, virus and content filtering solution that integrates Sophos’ award-winning virus detection engine. The combination of Sophos’ powerful engine capabilities and IntelliReach’s corporate messaging expertise aggressively addresses the new breed of spammer, which has embraced many elements of the hacker community.

“Today’s spammer is much more technically astute and is able to circumvent most common anti-spam defenses,” commented Sam Levine, president and CEO of Intellireach. “Also, the very nature of spam has changed, in that it is now a launch platform for viruses, such as the SoBig virus. Now, we are going after spammers the same way that we handle hackers. Stopping spam, viruses and porn at the gateway – before it enters the network – is the surest method to defeat this new threat and preserve the integrity of the messaging environment.”

“Estimates are that over 50% of all spam is pornographic, and corporate liability has emerged as the legal time-bomb hiding in most messaging systems,” stated Jeff Coveney, MessageScreen senior product manager. “MessageScreen’s unique URL Crawling capabilities enable it to filter images referenced through hyperlinks, which are found in over 95% of pornographic spam. The end result is the most effective pornographic spam blocking capabilities in any product.”

MessageScreen is a sophisticated content filtering solution that acts as a messaging firewall, providing email security for Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) Exchange, Novell GroupWise and Lotus Notes. It helps organizations fight and reduce the growing Internet messaging problem – unsolicited, objectionable, and destructive email.

“MessageScreen is one of the best investments we’ve made,” said Stephanie Young Gonzaga of ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company. “It catches 95% of the nasty, offensive stuff, which by itself is an accomplishment, but it also catches all of the other undesirable content as well. This enables us to focus on the messages that matter, the communication we need to close business. ”

Pricing and Availability
MessageScreen Platinum Edition with integrated Sophos anti-virus and advance image filtering will be available in November as both a hosted service and gateway-level appliance. Pricing is based on the number of users with an average starting cost of approximately $15 per user. For a free web evaluation or for more information, contact IntelliReach via phone at 800-219-9838 or email

About Intellireach Corporation
IntelliReach Corporation is the leading provider of powerful and efficient messaging solutions, managing millions of mailboxes around the world. IntelliReach products focus on the key challenges facing messaging managers: Anti-Spam, Anti-Virus, Compliance and Archiving, Secure Messaging, Performance Monitoring, and Reporting. IntelliReach supports a broad range of messaging environments including Microsoft Exchange, Novell GroupWise, Lotus Notes and other popular platforms. Our solutions enable organizations to prevent messaging abuse and failure while achieving increased employee productivity and lowering overall messaging costs. Intellireach is a privately held company headquartered in Dedham, Massachusetts. For more information, visit

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