Remote Assessment Rocks the Information Security Industry by Combining Artificial Intelligence With Proven Vulnerability Assessments

Chicago, IL – Remote Assessment releases new Enterprise Security Management Console. Dubbed EMC (“Enterprise Management Console”), this solution deploys mixed levels of artificial intelligence to completely manage an organization’s external Internet security.

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July 21, 2003 Remote Assessment released version 1.0 of their Enterprise Security Management Console.

The Enterprise Management Console (“EMC”) is a unique security solution combining external security assessments, automated scheduling, comprehensive dynamic reporting, remediation tracking, organizational risk measurement and many other industry standard tools and features in a complete and powerful online security management package.

Version 1.0 of the EMC – named Phantom, places our hardest working employee on the front lines of the security industry.

RALPH â„? (“Remote Assessment Logically Programmed Humanoid”) is revolutionary technology based on extensive research in information security auditing and auto-adapting artificial intelligence. Out of BETA and in full service RALPH â„? is already busy identifying Internet risks on every continent.

RALPH â„? logically chooses appropriate assessment strategies based on historical vulnerability data and current Internet security threats. RALPH â„? analyzes previous assessments, generates email notifications and alerts, dynamically modifies assessment intensities and builds custom assessment schedules to manage an organizations Internet security. RALPH â„? learns and corrects behaviours through monitoring the actions of those interacting with the Enterprise Management Console. RALPH’s â„? split personality provides an important basis to quickly dispense unique artificial intelligence for each individual client.

CEO/CTO Loyal A. Moses – “Artificially intelligent methods of combating security threats is the next natural step in our industry. …it’s about time we begin trusting the technology we’re protecting.”

Deep within the backend of the Remote Assessment Enterprise Management Console, RALPH â„? is working closely with several Remote Assessment Internet spider applications which continuously crawl security & hacking related resources to improve calculations and risk forecasting.

“…we’ve all seen the Internet security threat indicators, which tell us what we already know. The Internet is an untrusted dangerous network. Through the creation of RALPH â„? we can now provide a solution measuring actual individual corporate network risk through the analysis of Internet level security threats in real-time.” says Moses.

Individual system risk, grouped risk and overall organizational risk is accomplished through proprietary calculations utilizing historical vulnerability data, trend analysis, current Internet risks retrieved and intelligently adapted by RALPH â„?.

Remote Assessment supports and endorses the communication and organization of information security professionals. Through the not for profit organization Infasec ( Remote Assessment contributes its technology and resources to advance the information security industry.

Educational institutions may qualify for a contributional deployment of the EMC. Contact Remote Assessment for more information.

Remote Assessment believes in the capability and potential of automated information security solutions. We are strongly committed to providing our clients with innovative solutions which are at the forefront of Internet security technology. We advocate and encourage the use of automated information security technologies which have been designed and developed to evolve as this volatile industry advances. Our systems are developed, deployed and reviewed with strong security consciousness throughout these processes. Supporting these technologies and providing quality support continues to be a primary focus of Remote Assessment.

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