ProCheckUp Continue To Find New Internet Vulnerabilities

In the last week ProCheckUp have submitted a further eight brand new vulnerabilities to the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) based at Carnegie Mellon University in the United States. Following this, along with previously published vulnerabilities and the recent review in Network News, ProCheckUp would like to respond to the many requests for information by issuing the following bulletin:

Among a recent batch of new vulnerabilities submitted to CERT was a new and potentially threatening exposure that concerned a widely used Unix utility and an existing communications protocol.

Although this vulnerability has been possible for many years, standard penetration testing techniques have not found this because of the human assumptions made about the hardware and software concerned and the possibilities of breaking them. The common use of linear-based scanning tools and cross-referencing to normal exploit alerts has meant that this simple hole has been overlooked.

ProCheckUp was able to find this vulnerability because of the unique way it identifies the environment and uses Artificial Intelligence to explore for open services and responses. Then it formulates an attack customised to that environment. In this particular instance the end result was a remote connection being offered that ProCheckUp recognised and investigated with several protocol permutations. It then confirmed that an attacker could log on, via ROOT on certain platforms, and start, stop or disrupt services.

Technical Director, Richard Brain said: “This is yet further evidence that ProCheckNet is an advanced attack tool that is revolutionary in its approach and techniques”.


To get further comments about this unique technology or to arrange an interview please contact Steve Knight on 020 7307 5001.

ProCheckUp Ltd, Syntax House, 44 Russell Square, London WC1B 4JP

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