BeyondEdge unveils SD-LAN and Tibit XGS-PON MicroPlug OLT to simplify network architecture
BeyondEdge announced the availability of a breakthrough integrated solution that simplifies the LAN PON network architecture via the BeyondEdge SD-LAN solution and the game-changing Tibit XGS-PON MicroPlug OLT.
This disruptive, single solution offers enterprise network operators a truly cost-effective migration path to multi-gigabit PON networks in order to meet near-term and long-term requirements for higher-bandwidth, ultra-fast networks in campus, building, and greenfield environments.
“BeyondEdge provides network operators with the right platform that opens the door for competitive differentiation, new ARPU business services and premium-tier revenue streams with all technologies existing on the same fiber infrastructure, enabling high speed services to the user edge at half the cost of most industry solutions,” said Amir Elbaz, CEO of BeyondEdge.
“With BeyondEdge, vendor and technology lock-in is eliminated, so network operators can invest now and benefit from both cost reductions and network efficiencies with an unrestricted migration path to future xPON technologies.”
“Tibit and BeyondEdge have a long-standing cooperation on this solution, and we’re proud to contribute our game-changing MicroPlug OLT architecture to their end-to-end, SD-LAN design,” said Richard Stanfield, President and CEO of Tibit Communications.
“With the commercial release of the combined solution, the BeyondEdge SD-LAN architecture provides an industry-leading approach to flexible deployments for 10 Gbps access. It enables highly-modular, port-by-port scaling for carriers and enterprises deploying next-generation broadband speeds. At the same time, the BeyondEdge architecture provides robust SDN management controls over both Ethernet and PON access domains.”
The BeyondEdge SD-LAN solution leverages XGS-PON’s inherent reach and passive nature to deliver an advanced network solution using the most simplified architecture with service to the enterprise edge client at a 10 Gigabit symmetric rate.
The design replaces the traditional, expensive OLT Chassis with the Tibit MicroPlug OLT (Pluggable PON Transceiver & OLT MAC), providing more capacity that plugs into a COTS switch or legacy Ethernet hardware, reducing power, space, and overall total cost of ownership.
Design of the BeyondEdge SD-LAN software and Tibit MicroPlug solution streamlines the costs of deploying and managing a symmetrical network for campuses, greenfield, or business office projects and scales to eliminate overbuilds.
Later, when higher bandwidth is required migration to the NG-PON solution can be added to the network without design or infrastructure changes, providing the right balance for current and long-term investment of the network.