Hero AI by Swimlane enhances security with context-aware recommendations

Swimlane has introduced Hero AI innovations that transform traditional security operations, enabling security teams to tackle complex cases, alerts, and intelligence with unprecedented speed.

Hero AI expands case summarization capabilities with context-aware recommendations, informed by cybersecurity frameworks and customers’ own knowledge base best practices or processes. AI-driven case summaries and recommended actions are now included in AI-augmented post-incident reporting, instantly available in any language, ensuring global collaboration across teams, stakeholders and clients.

Staffing shortages often force SOC teams to rely on expensive contractors, straining already tight security budgets. A recent TAG Cyber report found Swimlane Turbine’s AI-enhanced security automation solutions can boost productivity by 20%, above automation alone, potentially eliminating the need for costly consultants and delivering significant cost savings.

“Organizations can no longer afford not to implement AI-powered automation tools to optimize efficiency,” said Edward Amoroso, founder and CEO of TAG Cyber. “Swimlane’s platform is a compelling choice for simplifying complex legacy systems and driving significant ROI by expanding automation use cases beyond the SOC. Consider that a typical 20-person SOC, with an average salary of $250,000 per employee, incurs a $5 million annual staff budget. A 20% productivity boost could yield $1 million in savings.”

This economic rational combined with Swimlane’s customer base being made up of over 40 Fortune 500 companies, 26 U.S. federal agencies, and five of the world’s top 10 solutions integrators, it’s clear to see how Turbine saves customers millions and is revolutionizing the cybersecurity industry.

“As AI transforms the business landscape, Security Operation Centers (SOCs) must adapt from traditional manual processes or be left behind,” said James Brear, CEO of Swimlane. “Swimlane recognizes this urgency and has spearheaded the development of a next-generation AI-enhanced security automation solution. Our technology is purpose-built to address the unique threat challenges and harness the immense potential of intelligent automation within the modern SOC.”

Key updates include:

  • Context-aware recommended actions: This expansion of Hero AI’s advanced case summarization leverages cybersecurity frameworks like NIST CSF and MITRE ATT&CK, and insights from customers’ own best practices, to provide concise context-aware recommended actions to resolve active cases or incidents.
  • AI-augmented reporting: Take Hero AI case summaries a step further with stakeholder-ready after-action reports which can be prepared in a single click. AI-augmented reporting saves time and enables security leaders to seamlessly communicate regardless of the stakeholder’s technical skill level or preferred language location with the ability to translate reports into any language instantly.
  • Multilingual reporting and documentation: Hero AI can now effortlessly translate Swimlane knowledge center documentation and after actions reporting into any language, enabling MSSPs to seamlessly support customers worldwide and ensuring every team member, stakeholder, or client within an organization can access vital information in their preferred language.

Datasets play a fundamental role in building AI models, and their privacy and security are paramount for the effective use of AI in SecOps. The multi-agent architecture of Swimlane’s Hero AI is designed to safeguard sensitive customer data, ensuring it’s neither centrally stored nor used to train shared models.

Instead, Swimlane Hero AI encompasses intelligence from industry standards such as MITRE and NIST, advanced methods like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and multi-agent systems, as well as Low-Rank Adaptation (LORA) and Quantized Low-Rank Adaptation (qLORA) techniques for efficient fine-tuning and use of its foundational LLMs. This enables Hero AI to gain a deep understanding of the security environment and adapt quickly, even against zero days that may not be present in training data.

“In an era where every product claims to be AI-powered, Swimlane’s data visibility sets us apart,” said Cody Cornell, chief strategy officer of Swimlane. “With Turbine’s cloud-native architecture we have an unique ability to see how thousands of users are interacting with millions of security alerts, across hundreds of different technologies, giving us an unprecedented ability to build automation and AI capabilities that radically improve the lives of security teams.”

Hero AI supports infinite security operations use cases within Swimlane Turbine. Popular use cases include:

  • Analyze phishing attempts: AI that assesses the intent of an email and its potential for phishing in seconds, offering a clear probability rating and a transparent breakdown of the factors influencing that decision.
  • Real-time unsights via MITRE ATT&CK: Hero AI can aggregate data from MITRE ATT&CK and analyze it to determine the most frequently occurring attack techniques within the organization. Based on those findings, it can provide actionable recommendations to enhance security.
  • Go beyond the headlines: Craft prompts that distill the day’s top cybersecurity news into concise summaries, analyze relevant threat data shared, and provide a ranked list of the most critical assets based on their value, sensitivity, and potential risk exposure.
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