Proficio launches ProBAS service to help organizations better prepare and respond to cyber attacks

Proficio has announced the roll out of its ProBAS Breach and Attack Simulation service. By rigorously testing an organization’s security defenses, ProBAS ensures they can prevent compromise events and detect attacks throughout the entire threat detection and response process. From device alert logs to SIEM, SOC detection, and containment response actions, ProBAS covers every aspect.

“Cyber criminals only need to be lucky once, but cyber defenders must be vigilant and successful at countering attacks every time in order to protect their environment. ProBAS embodies this relentless vigilance by not only identifying potential threats, but also implementing mitigation strategies to ensure continuous and comprehensive defenses,” says Brad Taylor, CEO, Proficio.

“Our service simulates a diverse array of cyber threats such as malware, phishing, or ransomware which are tailored to specific business context, ensuring realistic testing environments that help organizations better prepare to counter cyber events,” Taylor continued.

ProBAS delves deep into the realm of cyber warfare with detailed simulations of MITRE ATT&CK techniques. From credential theft to sophisticated data exfiltration, ProBAS immerses security systems in the crucible of real-world cyber battles. Leveraging cutting-edge simulation technology to perform deep and comprehensive vulnerability security assessments, ProBAS uncovers and addresses critical vulnerabilities in an organization’s cyber defenses before they can be exploited.

Additionally, ProBAS’s cybersecurity experts adopt adversarial roles for red team evaluations, rigorously testing and honing an organization’s defense mechanisms against advanced threats and enhancing internal team readiness against sophisticated cyberattacks. Following the simulations, ProBAS provides immediate feedback and insights, proposes strategic enhancements, and imparts actionable recommendations to bolster cybersecurity frameworks.

“With ProBAS, cybersecurity management can rest easy, confident that attacks will be detected and contained, whether by their own internal security team or SOC partner, like Proficio, after testing thousands of scenarios,” Taylor concluded.

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