Cycode unveils Cycode AI to enhance ASPM platform with advanced security features

Cycode has unveiled Cycode AI, a suite of AI-powered features that are now embedded in the company’s Complete ASPM platform. This integration empowers security teams and developers to increase productivity, accelerate velocity, and gain visibility into risk-prone gaps across the entire organization, effectively mitigating the growing threat of sophisticated code-driven attacks.

“With Cycode we know that we have the workflows, controlled shift left capabilities, and AI remediation to make sure we don’t only just detect, but prevent violations before they go into production,” said Alex Flowers, Application Security Lead at Nomi Health.

“Cycode AI helps streamline our workflows and significantly reduces the time we spend on security tasks for our developers. This allows our team to focus on higher-value activities, like improving our security posture and preventing vulnerabilities before they become threats,” Flowers continued.

In the last year alone, a staggering 93 billion lines of code were added to public repositories – a number projected to skyrocket alongside the exponential growth of software development, dramatically expanding the attack surface for malicious actors.

Cycode AI empowers security professionals and developers to proactively defend against these evolving threats by:

  • Effortlessly querying complex data and swiftly identify threats: Leverage natural language processing within the Risk Intelligence Graph for intuitive, AI-powered insights and data-driven decisions.
  • Monitoring critical code changes in real time: Receive automatic alerts about potential risks from the Material Code Change Alerting AI, ensuring swift mitigation and codebase integrity.
  • Generating precise regex patterns: Streamline threat identification with the AI Regex Builder, which automatically creates effective regex patterns, reducing false positives and negatives.
  • Detecting secrets with unparalleled accuracy: Enhance your security posture with AI Secret Detection, leveraging advanced machine learning to identify generic secrets with exceptional precision and recall.
  • Fixing vulnerabilities with intelligent code suggestions & context: Leverage AI-powered Static Application Security Testing (SAST) to receive automatic, context-aware code fixes, reducing remediation time and enabling faster development cycles.
  • Maintaining security and compliance: Ensure code quality and security standards are upheld while maintaining a rapid development pace.
  • Comprehensive visibility and discovery of AI code usage
  • Uncovering and tracking AI activity: Gain comprehensive visibility into AI tool usage across your organization, identifying and monitoring AI-related activities in code repositories, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud infrastructure.
  • Detecting and mitigating shadow AI risks: Uncover ungoverned or unauthorized AI usage, enabling proactive risk mitigation and ensuring responsible AI adoption.

The company has expanded its organizational leadership with the appointment of Jimmy Xu as Field Chief Technology Officer (CTO). With over 21 years of experience, Xu is a seasoned strategist across software engineering, IT Ops and DevOps, and cybersecurity within public and private sectors. Prior to this role, Xu held positions at Trace3 and Technologent. At Cycode, Xu will serve as a technology evangelist, focusing on product strategy and sales enablement, while also driving customer advocacy and thought leadership within the ASPM market.

“I’m excited to join Cycode at this pivotal time for the ASPM market, especially with the groundbreaking launch of AI built into the Cycode Complete ASPM platform. This new suite of AI-powered features will revolutionize how we approach application security, and I’m eager to work closely with our customers and partners to harness its full potential,” said Jimmy Xu, Field CTO at Cycode.

“By combining Cycode’s deep understanding of customer needs with cutting-edge AI capabilities, we will continue to deliver the most effective and comprehensive application security solutions that empower organizations to build and maintain secure software at the speed of modern development,” Xu concluded.

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