Your ultimate guide to CISSP exam planning
Going for the CISSP, CCSP or another ISC2 certification? We know that preparing for the exam is a big commitment and it can be difficult to know where to start.
Confidence comes from knowing what to expect and feeling prepared. You can find all the tools you’ll need to conquer your exam in ISC2’s Certification Prep Kit. From free study tools to courseware previews, we’ve put together a guide that will help you plan your path to certification success.
This free kit includes:
- Fast facts on ISC2 training and study tools
- Training myths debunked
- Courseware previews
- How to make your case for certification and training
- The best study tools and options for your goals
- Tips to move ahead with confidence
We need talented, skilled people like you working to ensure a safe and secure cyber world for all. The movement has started. It’s time for you to join and kickstart your journey to certification, so get your certification prep kit.
This guide is no longer available.