S2C Prodigy MDM Pro provides simultaneous debugging across multi-FPGAs
S2C announces the newly upgraded Prodigy Multi-Debug Module Pro (MDM Pro).
S2C’s popular Prodigy Multi-Debug Module (MDMTM) has been helping FPGA prototyping customers to shorten the debug process and get their designs to market quickly with greater confidence.
S2C’s MDM solution captures and stores waveforms continuously in a dedicated standalone hardware removing the need to consume FPGA memory and provides simultaneous debugging across multi-FPGAs.
The newly MDM Pro is enhanced with deeper trace to store up to 64GB of waveforms, faster sampling rate of up to 125MHz, faster bandwidth to support simultaneous debug of up to 8 FPGAs and new features such as dynamic probing to enable readback of internal DFF/BRAM values and advance triggers.
MDM Pro currently supports trace up to 16K probes per FPGA in 8 groups of 2K probes without re-compile. Future software update is expected to expand to 64K probes in 8 groups of 8K.
MDM Pro now offers two modes of operations to further enhance flexibility and productivity. The traditional Compile mode works with Player Pro cockpit to specify debug nodes and trigger condition.
In the new IP mode, users can directly instantiate the debug IP in the DUT design and bypass the Player Pro setup.
Quad S7-19P and Quad 10M Logic System customers can enjoy most of the features offered by MDM Pro without the needed for a separate standalone module.
An embedded MDM Pro hardware is already prebuilt into Quad S7-19P and Quad 10M Logic systems ready to offer concurrent debug of 4 FPGAs and 32GB of waveform storage without additional hardware cost.
“Prototyping is all about correct design issues efficiently and effectively and getting the designs out to the market quickly with minimal bugs.” said Ying J. Chen, VP of Marketing & Sales of S2C.
“Conventional debugging tools provided by FPGA vendors often fall short when it comes to FPGA prototyping. These tools are limited to debugging one FPGA at a time with very restrictive trace depth and they consume valuable FPGA memory and logic resources.
“Debugging one FPGA at a time can also easily introduce more errors in other FPGAs. We are excited to introduce the feature-rich MDM Pro to bring more productivity to our customers.”