The biggest hurdles to digital transformation initiatives? Budget and top-down support

More than half of enterprise IT professionals need help from industry partners and prefer agile service providers to implement digital transformation, according to a new study released by Masergy.

digital transformation hurdles

The 2019 Digital Transformation Market Trends Report, facilitated by independent research firm Webtorials, surveyed IT professionals from companies both large and small across 35 different countries.

By surveying those professionals in a variety of industries, the report sheds light on the mindsets and technology investments needed to catalyze IT evolution in enterprise technology environments.

Key findings from the survey include:

  • 4 out of 5 IT professionals say DX is imperative for survival, but 64% need significant help from outside partners.
  • The top investments in technology to support digital transformation are focused on migrating to the cloud and IT security, plus a significant emphasis on groundbreaking technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, and IoT.
  • 57% of respondents said their preferred partners for transformation are smaller, agile service providers.
  • The primary benefits expected from digital transformation initiatives are led by enhancing the customer experience, remaining competitive in the industry, and streamlining business processes.
  • The biggest hurdles to digital transformation initiatives are seen as commitment of budget and top-down support.

digital transformation hurdles

“Executives recognize that digital transformation is largely dependent upon innovative technology services and outside partners that deliver on competitive IT agility,” said James Parker, CEO at Masergy.